My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Where did this boy come from?

“Sir, please hurry up and take me there. I can’t hold it in anymore!” The little kid gripped Elliot’s pants as he shouted with a red face.

Elliot responded in a low voice, “Alright, I’ll take you there.”

The elevator doors opened with a ding. He bent over and carried the child in his arms as he strode toward the bathroom.

Elliot took the child inside and guarded as the little guy began to relieve himself.

After the little guy was done, he sighed in contentment before he finally remembered to thank this handsome passerby.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“What’s your name? Why are you here?” Elliot couldn’t help but ask in curiosity.

“My name is Jared Tillman and I came to accompany my mommy to work,” Jared answered in a clear voice.

“Is your

you know my mommy,

only taking a stab in the dark as well. Anastasia was

the reflection of the tall man

he earnestly examined their faces and

lips, and even the curve of their


you single? Do you have a girlfriend?” The

was thinking behind those huge eyes of his. However, despite knowing the child’s intentions, he told the truth. “Yes, I’m single. I don’t have

of cooking very well.” The little guy began advertising his mother. He wanted to solve his grandpa’s troubles and also to

he thought. He narrowed his eyes and responded, “Then, you’ll have

eyes, happy to know that everyone had loved

handsome man said he was willing

guy nodded earnestly,

the man

it.” The little guy committed it to memory. For some reason, he wanted to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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