My Baby's Daddy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Anastasia’s Way Out—Resignation

“Be a good girl, okay?” Elliot gently caressed Hayley’s head.

In that instant, Hayley was over the moon, feeling satisfied that she had gained Elliot’s favor. Unlike Anastasia, Hayley was flattered by the sudden entitlement that came to her life. However, she quickly decided to stop pressing on due to her fear of the repercussions that might follow her greed.

Furthermore, she was hoping to win Elliot’s heart with her meek character. She tried to be as gentle as possible since she didn’t have good looks that could make an impression on any man. Thinking she had won the battle, she believed Anastasia was going to be laid off soon and put her mind to ease.

As soon as Hayley got out of sight, Elliot reached for the phone and dialed the intercom.

“Hello.” Anastasia’s voice was heard.

“Come to my office at once,” the man responded with a voice that sounded angry.

At the same time, Anastasia took a deep breath in her office, thinking her fate was sealed while preparing for the worst. Well, I’ll just quit and leave Bourgeois if worse comes to worst. Then, she took the elevator to the 8th floor and made her way to the president’s office, whereupon she knocked on the door and entered the room.

In the meantime, Elliot was sitting in his chair, giving off an intimidating aura that filled the atmosphere around his room. “Explain yourself.” The man questioned Anastasia about her violent outburst earlier as a boss.

Anastasia squinted, thinking there was no point for her to explain anyway since she reckoned Elliot would believe everything his girlfriend, Hayley, said without question. “Who is Hayley to you?” Anastasia knitted her eyebrows and asked.

“Have you forgotten your place, Anastasia? You’re my employee, and since you’re in the wrong now, you should be the one answering my questions,” Elliot replied.

lips upward. “You saw what happened. I gave her a slap in the face, so what kind of explanation

Was it because

I know it was my fault to get physical with her, but she deserved it.” Anastasia stood her ground firmly,

her unreasonable nature was really because of her mother’s death and her father’s questionable parenting method. “If you’re willing to admit your mistake, I promise I’ll let

sarcastically and clenched her jaw. “There is no way I will ever do

himself at the end of the rope while trying to reason with his life saver’s

heart and made up her mind, thinking she should just


Hayley’s boyfriend, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed to even look at Elliot. What a waste, Elliot! You’re such a handsome man, but sadly, you’re

that there is no next time. Do you hear me?” Elliot tried his best to keep Anastasia in his company, as he was bound by his grandmother’s wish to look

there for three years. Soon, she looked back and fixed her eyes on the man who propped himself with his arms on the table, warning him to be careful about Hayley. “Hayley is not as kind-hearted as you think she is. I’m sure you don’t want to fall for one of her tricks one

one who resorted to violence today,” Elliot

Elliot, Anastasia wanted to do more than just beat Hayley up. Deep down, she wished she could just kill Hayley but decided to keep the thought to herself, considering how much Elliot was concerned about Hayley. Soon, she returned to the office, while Felicia didn’t receive any notice about terminating her, which surprised everyone else in the company.

over with a cup of coffee, comforting her superior. “Miss Tillman, are you sure you’re

so mad that she almost lost all of her inspiration. Thus, she put down the pencil

you should just ignore

what they’re

say you’re his mistress, which

no matter how dumb she was. Not long after that, Felicia summoned her to her office and lectured her about the proper manners of handling clients. Otherwise,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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