My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 22 Osteology 101


I woke up the next morning feeling slightly more rested than the day before, although my eyes still burned from crying so much last night.

I dragged myself out of bed, and after a shower and some coffee, I felt much better. I still avoided looking at my phone just in case there was more outrage over my photos with Enzo, and got dressed in a nondescript outfit to go to class.

People still stared at me and whispered about me all day, but I tried my best to ignore it. I just kept repeating what Lori told me in my head: this would pass. All I had to do was keep my head down, focus on school, and wait for the bitchy girls at this school to move on to the next bit of drama to gossip about.

After my classes, I decided that I had to return to the anatomy lab to finish my project, as it was due in two days and I had hardly even started. I really didn’t want to go back after what I saw in there last time, but I just kept telling myself that it was all in my head and that it would be fine now… I still didn’t feel like it was all in my imagination, but I had to tell myself that in order to get my work done.

It was getting dark out by the time I made it to the anatomy lab, which only made the environment seem even more spooky. I steeled my nerves before opening the door and stepping in.

The room looked perfectly normal and quiet. Taking a deep breath, I crossed over to my locker and put on my lab coat and goggles, then put on a pair of plastic gloves before pulling my cadaver out of the mortuary cabinet and pulling back the sheet.

Just as I figured, the cadaver was perfectly normal. He was still completely healed, as though I had never cut into him to begin with… had I just imagined the whole thing? Had I passed out, or dissociated, when I thought I was performing an autopsy?

While I studied the cadaver, I was suddenly alerted to the sound of something rattling. I took in a sharp breath and whipped around, only to see absolutely nothing. I shook my head and returned to my work. Surely my nerves were just making me overly sensitive to sounds.

I got my tools ready and started to cut into the cadaver’s abdomen. I cut down to the belly button, then began to shakily peel back the layers of skin and muscle as I prepared myself for potentially seeing more strange mutations inside.

out of the

regular human body, with regular human organs. I let out a sigh of

It sounded like… bones? I turned around toward the direction of the sound and shrieked when I saw the skeleton that was used for osteology… moving! It was off of its stand and staggering directly toward me with its bony hands outstretched

teeth while I screamed in terror. I scrambled to my feet and over to the

there; it was halfway across the room, on the floor where I fell. The skeleton was already past it now, and there was no way I could get around

the skeleton continued to advance on me, I shut

isn’t real… This

me was replaced by the sound of those very bones

bony hand at the figure and slashed it in the thigh, but the figure retaliated by picking the skeleton up by its throat — well, where its throat would have been,

“Who sent you?!”

the dark figure was

that the window was

voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I didn’t know how it was speaking without vocal

skeleton previously hung and hung it back up. I watched in wonder as he whispered some strange incantation that I couldn’t understand, and the

my voice shaking. This had to be a dream. There was no way this was

off his hood. He grabbed me by my shoulders, looking me up and down with a concerned expression on his face.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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