Chapter 12

Just after turning on the screen of the mobile phone and saying a few words, his voice suddenly rose a few octaves. “Mr. Ellison?” 

“Mr. Ellison?” Everyone was surprised to hear the name. 

Only Mr. Riddle Sr. and Damien had access to Mr. Ellison usually. Surprisingly, Mr. Ellison was calling Sean now. But no one dared to ask, only trying to listen in to what he was saying. 

Sean stopped in his tracks and looked back at everyone, finally his gaze landing on Nicole. “Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Ellison.” 

Everyone then looked over at Nicole in curiosity. Nicole took a sip of water and did not look surprised. 

As soon as Sean hung up the phone, Gloria was the first to ask, “Sean, how did you get Mr. Ellison’s phone number?” 

Sean regained his composure and sat back down at the table. “I don’t know Mr. Ellison’s phone number. It was he who called me.” 

“What did Mr. Ellison say?” Mr. Riddle Sr. asked in a deep voice. 

Sean looked at Mr. Riddle Sr. respectfully. “He asked Nicole to report to the high school of Royal Creek Institute tomorrow and said that he was glad to have Nicole coming to Royal Creek Institute.” 

hint of disbelief in his eyes when he said

in a heated debate about how to get Nicole into Royal Creek Institute, the unthinkable happened with Mr. Ellison calling and saying that he was happy that Nicole was going to

it correctly? Mr. Ellison invited

want Nicole to enter Royal Creek Institute. Yet, she did not expect

Nicole was just a country girl. What made Mr. Ellison extend his invitation to

Gloria turned to look at

even believe her own question. But Mr. Ellison had said that he was glad to

did not hide the truth, saying, “We met

only a brief encounter, but if not for Nicole’s help, Mr. Ellison would have

remembered her and invited her to

doubtful. “Even if

at Sean, her expression telling him it was a matter of course. “I called him when Dad and Mom said three days ago that they were going

look exuded a bit of arrogance. It gave the impression that

me an email invitation that day, but I still asked him to call today to inform my family, saving you all from worrying too

and could not

Nicole could enter Royal Creek Institute all by herself, yet he had just acted so reluctantly, which

and wife, and his second aunt with a touch of triumph in his eyes. He then pretended to be puzzled and asked, “You are

self-esteem of the two, making their faces turn red and pale.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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