Chapter 1647

When they had walked into the restaurant, they noticed that it was rather empty. There, Nicole immediately knew that it was not easy to get a table at this restaurant.

For that reason, Lloyd proudly brought Nicole over to a table.

The waiter came over to hand them the menu thereafter, and Nicole casually took a look at it before asking, "Your family owns this place, right?"

‘If that's not the case, why would everyone be gone as soon as Lloyd is here?’ she wondered.

Lloyd arched his brows, but he did not deny it. "Yeah, you can come as you wish. There is a private room upstairs, but the view here is better."

Then, he gestured for Nicole to look out.

Though that place was secluded, it was still located at a much higher plane, allowing them to get a view of the sea. They could also see the forest, whose green contrasted beautifully with the ocean's blue.

"You have good taste. This is a very good location." Nicole smiled as she already knew that Lloyd was the owner of that restaurant.

Hearing that, Lloyd became a little shy. "Really? Well, as long as you like it."

nodded and proceeded to order a few delicious items from the menu, while Lloyd ordered

his words to heart, Nicole

that we could have a chance to eat together like this, without

took a deep breath in. "Yeah, me

thought that she would be a daughter of the Riddle Family, who had a history with the Holder family too. That was why she had never thought that she

shows that we're fated to meet again." Lloyd stared at Nicole and harkened back to the training he had gone through and the

and the adults. Still, Nicole’s performance was outstanding, and she had helped him a lot. However, what

She did not know what he was thinking, so she did not keep

waiter served

style, Lloyd scooped some dishes up for Nicole. "Try some,

was when she saw

that cookie was very out of place, but she found it to

Lloyd saw Nicole locking at the cookie in confusion, he playfully asked, "Familiar, isn't it? You ate this when you

was shocked. She really did enjoy that

cookie was not sold in the foreign country that they were deployed to. Therefore, Lloyd

she asked, "You

for a moment before smiling. "Yeah, I loved it. I still love it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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