Need You Now

Chapter 8 I want you tonight

At night, Heidy Hua came out of the bathroom while wiping her hair. Looking at Jack Xu sitting on the bedside, Heidy's body stiffened immediately, "Why are you here?"

Jack walked to her, took the towel from her hand and wiped her dried long hair carefully. "Look at you. You don't like to dry your hair. Be careful not to catch cold."

The familiar tone made Heidy's heart jolt. He looked gentle as if nothing had happened these days. Heidy stepped back and distanced herself from him. Turning her head away, she said in a low voice, "get out."

Looking at the towel in his hand, Jack said gently, "Heidy, I know you are still angry with me. I have explained it to you. Are you still unwilling to forgive me? Heidy, we betrayed each other for once, and we are even, okay? "

Hearing this, Heidy looked up and stared at him, "can we be even? I was I have to sell my belly, not because I like others. But what about you? You knew I would be sad and upset, but you still went to bed with Sherry. "

Please forgive me, okay? From now on, we will be a real couple. Forget the past and

what he was going

body and looking at her angelic beautiful face, Jack said softly, "I will have you tonight and make you my woman." Before finishing his words, Jack

and trembled with obvious

revealing her beautiful collarbone, and kissed her directly. Breathing the fragrance of her body, Jack was

day surfaced in her mind, and her heart filled with intense hatred when she thought of that they had conspired with each other to take

ground, screaming painfully. Then he

quickly grabbed the ashtray on the bedside table. She protected herself and said, "Jack, if you force me, I will die in front of you. Once I'm into trouble, someone will spread the rumor about you and Sherry. I have also

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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