Need You Now

Chapter 9 make a bet with all of you

In the Hua group, dressed in a business suit, Heidy Hua held her head up and walked into the meeting room. With a polite bow, she said, "Hello, every uncle." Then Heidy took her seat.

Looking at her, director Wang, who was sitting at the most front end of the left, spoke first, "Miss Hua, our chairman has just passed away. We need a suitable person to hold the position of chairman and executive president. The Hua group also needs a leader. "

Hearing that, Heidy smiled, "I know my father had made arrangements before he died. I will take over the company on behalf of my father. I think that's also what my father wants to see. "

Before she finished her words, director Wang disagreed and said, "Miss Hua, you have taken over the shares of the previous chairman. Although you hold the largest shares, you have no experience in management. It's so ridiculous to let a inexperienced girl lead us. Mr. Xu has been doing well these two years. As Miss Hua's husband, you can hand the post of CEO to him. "

Heidy calmly glanced at Jack and said, "director Wang, though I have no experience, I will try my best to manage the company well. As a listed company, the share sharing rate of the Hua group was very decisive. At present, I hold 70% of the shares, which means that I am the biggest decision maker, right? "

a decision-making mistake, which caused a heavy loss of the Hua group. Several hundred million was lost. Because of this, the company is still in a financial crisis. We are worried that you will be in charge of the company in

is the son of the chairman of JA group. If you let Jack. Xu manage the company, I believe that he can definitely persuade Jacob. Xu to help our company get through the difficulties. So I think you should give me the title of CEO to Jack. Xu. " Director Wang said

Heidy and said nothing. He was determined to be the CEO.

table, Heidy looked around coldly. She knew she couldn't lose her

husband, his surname is not Hua. Most of the people present were comrades who had ever fought with my father. If my father was God, how sad would

why don't you make some achievements for the directors? Otherwise, you won't be

at him, Heidy squinted, "what

financial difficulties, cash flow problems and urgently needs to raise fund. As long as you can get a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars within a week

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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