Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1

Arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Vivian William was utterly dismayed to discover that the man whom she was supposed to get her marriage certificate with had yet to arrive.

It was already more than half an hour past their agreed-upon time. Just as she was about to contact him, he called her instead.

As soon as she picked up, his furious voice blared out through the phone, “Vivian William, you liar! Have you forgotten about the sort of shameful things you’d done back in university? How dare you even think about marrying me now? Let me tell you something. That will only ever happen in your dreams! It has become rather clear to me now, seeing as you were quick to bring up marriage despite us only knowing each other for three days! If it weren’t for my ex-girlfriend having studied in the same university as you, I would’ve gotten tricked by you! You shameless woman!”

With that, he hung up.

Vivian did not even get a chance to explain herself.

The fingers clenching her phone were turning white while her lips moved soundlessly.

The man had not bother to tone down his voice at all, which meant that a lot of people had overheard her phone call. The gazes that everyone else had shot her were ones filled with scorn and disgust, stabbing into her like thousands of needles.

It was exactly like that nightmarish night two years ago.

She felt as though she was being swallowed in the darkness. No matter how hard she tried, there was simply no escape…

Beads of sweat formed upon her forehead as she paled dramatically. Without realizing, her whole body had begun to tremble uncontrollably.

fathomless eyes watched the shivering woman thoughtfully while his slender fingers tapped on the armrests of his

he whispered, “Ms. Lopez has informed me that she’s still stuck in traffic. She has said that it

anymore.” Finnick did not even bother to turn his head. His sharp gaze was fixated on Vivian as

upset look upon his

he had not heard his assistant’s words, Finnick pushed the button on his wheelchair to move

miss? Would you

rang out, dragging Vivian out of the darkness that was threatening to swallow her

was slightly surprised

know when it happened, but a wheelchair-bound man seemed to come to a stop in front of

they would take anyone’s breath away. Sharply defined brows that rested on a chiseled face, it looked as though his face was sculpted out

dress shirt,

not take anything away from his noble and proud air at all. On the contrary,

question that Vivian snapped out of the


earlier. You’re in a hurry to get married,

breath was stuck in her lungs at his words, as humiliation and

don’t we lend each other a hand?” The way he said it made it sound as though he was talking about a business deal, not one of the most important events

man was being serious about them getting married.Nonetheless, we’ve only just met! Getting married right off the bat is far too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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