Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 5

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 5

Vivian’s heart skipped a beat at his response.

What do I think? I don’t even need to think about it!

Despite her inner thoughts, she still managed to quirk her lips up in a small grin. “Let me guess… A man with such outstanding achievements as yourself, I’m certain that you’re already married. Am I right, Mr. Norton?”

Thereafter, she avoided his gaze, as guilt crept up on her. In the next instant, she berated herself for feeling so.

Why should I feel guilty? He’s the one who had concealed his real identity from me! He kept pretending that he didn’t know me! I’m not in the wrong here!

Across from her, Finnick took note of the minor changes in her expressions, as her conflicting emotions played out, all over her face.

Almost imperceptibly, his lips twitched upwards.

Even before this interview, he already knew that she would be the one who would be interviewing him. In all actuality, it was probably more accurate to say that he had only agreed to it because he found out that she worked at Glamour Magazine.

that they had met. In truth, he had seen her three days ago when she

quite certain that he had never seen her before. Yet, somehow, she seemed incredibly familiar to him. Thus, he instructed his men

at the Civil Affairs Bureau. The man whom she was

that his men had found out, he had approached her and suggested that they marry each

had not expected that she would be so nervous and shy about it. It did not

as he uttered, “Yes, I’m already married. It only happened

said that, his eyes flicked over to Vivian, causing her heart

could respond, Sarah let

going to be heartbroken!” Sarah sighed mournfully before she perked up and prodded, “I wonder what sort of woman

That’s certainly not on the list of questions that we had prepared. It’s way too

not get upset. He smiled blandly

private life. Let’s move on to the questions related to the company.” Not wanting to linger

straight to the point, as they were entirely focused on his job. At long last,

of their hands after the session had ended. When it was Vivian’s turn, he paused for a second,

face. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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