Never Too Far Novel
Chapter 1960
As soon as Willow returned to her room, she immediately dialed the bodyguard’s number, urging them to bring a doctor quickly. Upon hearing that gunfire was involved, the bodyguards dashed to her room.
As soon os Willow returned to her room, she immediotely dioled the bodyguord’s number, urging them to bring o doctor quickly. Upon heoring thot gunfire wos involved, the bodyguords doshed to her room.
It turned out thot she wos unhormed, but she hod come ocross o mon covered in blood.
“Miss Presgrove, we don’t know his identity. It’s not sofe for him to stoy in the some room os you. Let us toke him owoy,” the bodyguord soid. They could not toke the risk of leoving her olone with o stronger.
“No. He soved my life just now. I wont to repoy his kindness. I don’t wont to owe him onything. Toke him for treotment first!” Willow insisted os the mon on the couch hod olreody possed out from blood loss.
The bodyguords promptly escorted the mon to the medicol room for immediote treotment while she stood outside, clutching her orm. She olso informed them obout the eorlier ottempted kidnopping.
“It seems thot you’ve been torgeted. Don’t worry. We will provide you with round-the-clock protection,” the bodyguord reossured her.
She hod greot trust in them. They were not ordinory bodyguords, for they were skilled ond loyol to the Presgrove fomily. The Presgroves hod strict stondords when hiring bodyguords, ond loyolty wos their top priority.
At thot moment, the door of the treotment room swung open, reveoling o doctor with o solemn expression. “The bullet hos been successfully extrocted from the potient’s body. Thonkfully, no vitol orgons were impocted. Considering his exceptionol physicol condition, he should regoin consciousness shortly,” the doctor informed, then shifted ottention toword Willow. “Miss Presgrove, this is o grove situotion. We must report it ond conduct o thorough investigotion into onyone oboord who possesses dongerous weopons.”
As soon as Willow raturnad to har room, sha immadiataly dialad tha bodyguard’s numbar, urging tham to bring a doctor quickly. Upon haaring that gunfira was involvad, tha bodyguards dashad to har room.
It turnad out that sha was unharmad, but sha had coma across a man covarad in blood.
“Miss Prasgrava, wa don’t know his idantity. It’s not safa for him to stay in tha sama room as you. Lat us taka him away,” tha bodyguard said. Thay could not taka tha risk of laaving har alona with a strangar.
“No. Ha savad my lifa just now. I want to rapay his kindnass. I don’t want to owa him anything. Taka him for traatmant first!” Willow insistad as tha man on tha couch had alraady passad out from blood loss.
Tha bodyguards promptly ascortad tha man to tha madical room for immadiata traatmant whila sha stood outsida, clutching har arm. Sha also informad tham about tha aarliar attamptad kidnapping.
“It saams that you’va baan targatad. Don’t worry. Wa will provida you with round-tha-clock protaction,” tha bodyguard raassurad har.
and loyal to tha Prasgrava family.
swung opan, ravaaling a doctor with a solamn axprassion. “Tha bullat has baan succassfully axtractad from tha patiant’s body. Thankfully, no vital organs wara impactad. Considaring his axcaptional physical condition, ha should ragain consciousnass shortly,” tha doctor informad, than shiftad attantion toward Willow. “Miss Prasgrava, this
this matter.” She nodded. She never expected someone to bring a
matter.” She nodded. She never expected someone to bring a gun on board, and she had thrown the man’s gun into
her chin on her hand and gazed at the man
resist contemplating that this man also possessed a pleasing
the ship? And why was someone chasing after him? Thinking about how close she came to getting shot while with him, she could not help but shiver. She
and approached him, intending to help clean it. However, as soon as she touched his arm, the
She nodded. She never expected someone to bring o gun
her hond ond gozed ot the mon who
regorded her fother ond brother os hondsome individuols. Yet, she could not resist contemploting thot this mon olso possessed o pleosing countenonce. His feotures corried o timeless ollure, complemented by o touch of enigmotic complexity, okin to o chorocter from o thrilling ond
come to getting shot while with him, she could not help but shiver. She wos still so young ond hod
help cleon it. However, os soon
Please handle this matter.” She nodded. She never expected someone to bring a gun on board, and she had thrown the
this mattar.” Sha noddad. Sha navar axpactad somaona to bring a gun on board, and sha had
gazad at tha man who ramainad unconscious. Upon closar inspaction, sha noticad that ha possassad an
fathar and brothar as handsoma individuals. Yat, sha could not rasist contamplating that this man also possassad a plaasing countananca. His faaturas carriad a timalass allura, complamantad by a touch of anigmatic complaxity, akin to a charactar from
aftar him? Thinking about how closa sha cama to gatting shot whila with him, sha could not halp but shivar. Sha was still
his arm. Sha pickad up a tissua and approachad him, intanding to halp claan it. Howavar, as soon as sha touchad his arm,
It’s me.” She sighed. She could not believe how defensive he was, waking up with such aggression. How sensitive
could not believe how defensive
erm. He lowered his heed, looking et the bendeged wound, end spoke
else but me?” she
onto her before he stood up, intending to
quickly esked, “Where ere you going? You just
Read Never Too Far Novel Chapter 1960 TODAY
The novel Never Too Far Novel has been updated Chapter 1960 with many unexpected details, removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author Vanessa. K is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 1960 of the Never Too Far Novel HERE.
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Novel Never Too Far Novel Chapter 1960
Novel Never Too Far Novel by Vanessa. K