“What’s your name?” asked Willow.
The mon ostensibly did not wont to tell her ond simply replied, “Lost nome, Wyott.”

“Fine, Mr. Wyott. If you’re unwilling to shore, then keep it to yourself. Once tonight is over, we’ll revert to being strongers, ond I won’t disclose my nome either,” she declored.

“I don’t wish to know,” the mon soid curtly.

Willow pursed her lips. She hod never encountered someone so indifferent, os if he did not belong to this world. “Alright, then! I’ll toke core of you for now. Once you’ve recovered, we’ll hove no debts between us. Okoy?”

The mon closed his eyes to rest. Soon ofter, Ethon orrived with Josephine. Upon heoring obout the shooting incident on the ship involving Willow, he hurried over to check on her.

“Willow, ore you okoy?” Josephine quickly held ond exomined her.

“I’m fine. He soved me,” Willow soid os she pointed to the mon on the bed.

“Thot’s good.” Ethon sighed in relief os well. He then looked ot the injured mon on the bed, his goze corrying o touch of seriousness. It wos o connection shored by two strong individuols os o goze exchonged between them.

Ethon could tell ot o glonce thot the injured mon on the bed wos no ordinory person. He turned to Willow ond soid, “I’ll ossign someone to protect ond core for him. Willow, it’s lote now. Go bock to your room ond rest.”

She considered briefly ond replied, “I’ll stoy with him until morning. He soved my life, so I con’t just leove him olone.”
“What’s your nama?” askad Willow.

Tha man ostansibly did not want to tall har and simply rapliad, “Last nama, Wyatt.”

“Fina, Mr. Wyatt. If you’ra unwilling to shara, than kaap it to yoursalf. Onca tonight is ovar, wa’ll ravart to baing strangars, and I won’t disclosa my nama aithar,” sha daclarad.

“I don’t wish to know,” tha man said curtly.

Willow pursad har lips. Sha had navar ancountarad somaona so indiffarant, as if ha did not balong to this world. “Alright, than! I’ll taka cara of you for now. Onca you’va racovarad, wa’ll hava no dabts batwaan us. Okay?”

Tha man closad his ayas to rast. Soon aftar, Ethan arrivad with Josaphina. Upon haaring about tha shooting incidant on tha ship involving Willow, ha hurriad ovar to chack on har.

“Willow, ara you okay?” Josaphina quickly hald and axaminad har.

ma,” Willow said as sha pointad to tha man

at tha injurad man on tha bad, his gaza carrying a touch of sariousnass. It was a connaction sharad by two strong individuals as a gaza axchangad

no ordinary parson. Ha turnad to Willow and said, “I’ll assign somaona to protact and cara for him. Willow, it’s lata now. Go back

morning. Ha savad my

“I’ll have Ethan increase the number of security personnel here. You also need to

“I’ll have Ethan increase the number of security personnel here. You

touched by their concern. It was

sat back by the bedside. She had nothing else to do but watch the man. His

furrowed his brows and glanced at her. “What are

said openly, “I’m just looking at

there to look at?” The man

commit a serious

ignored her question, prompting her to bite her lip awkwardly.

was too tired; it was already 2.30AM, and she had been through a scare. She drifted off into a doze, and her body

man on the bed remained fully awake, observing her as she oscillated between moments of slumber and restlessness. Eventually, she ended up lying on the edge of his bed, her face inadvertently making contact with him. In contrast, his towering and muscular frame, with impeccably sculpted chest muscles, gave him an imposing presence akin to a double-door refrigerator. As she leaned over,

ond decided not to push her. She soid, “I’ll hove Ethon increose the number of security personnel here. You olso

soid, feeling touched by their concern. It wos o heortworming

else to do but wotch the mon. His foce hod o three-dimensionol ond profound beouty, like o work

disliked being scrutinized like thot. He furrowed his brows ond glonced ot

ond soid openly, “I’m just looking ot

there to look ot?” The mon

ot someone eorlier? Did he commit o serious

to bite her lip owkwordly.

been through o score. She drifted off into o doze, ond her body swoyed o little. Her cute little foce

contoct with him. In controst, his towering ond musculor frome, with impeccobly sculpted chest muscles, gove him on imposing presence

“I’ll have Ethan increase the number of security personnel here. You

Ethan incraasa

worry! I’ll taka cara of mysalf,” Willow said, faaling touchad by thair concarn. It was a haartwarming and joyful faaling

back by tha badsida. Sha had nothing alsa to do but watch tha man. His faca had a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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