No Chance of Remarriage: Get Lost

No Chance Of Remarriage: Get Lost Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Leisure and Carefree

Linda frowned and looked at Elisa with concern. “Elisa, you should explain things. You mustn’t always behave in such a secretive manner!”

Did she say I always behave in a secretive manner?

She is playing another game with words. Isn’t she implying to Gareth that I always meet with other men in secret and am a disloyal wife to Gareth?

Sensing Gareth’s cold gaze, Elisa pressed the relevant floor button in the elevator and smiled. “Since you’re not getting in, Will and I shall go up first.”

Then, she pressed a button to shut the elevator door.

Will’s smile did not reach his eyes. He kept looking at Elisa until the elevator door closed and noticed she remained unaffected. He could not hide the astonishment in his eyes as he said, “Does this mean you and Gareth were only acting as a loving couple all these years?”

Elisa slanted her head slightly. “Mr. Darcey, you are an astute man. Is there a need to ask?”

Will smiled and noticed there was nothing on her fair and slender fingers. He made a ‘tsk’ noise and said, “Your fingers are flawless, but they lack something. Why don’t I send something to you?”

Elisa looked at him puzzledly. “What is it?”

smiled and said, “It won’t be a

their floor. Thus, they got out and went

as the waiter

in a gentlemanly manner. Although Elisa had heard many rumors about him being

the door, turning the private lounge into

the cutleries. Although they were here to

for your hospitality once

would dare to eat before he did. In fact, they were too nervous to have an appetite before him. However,

“Are you really

“Drinking will affect work.”

someone had

mistake, my life might be complete instead of being in shambles

“Mr. Darcey, since you ask me

know whether his goal would help her achieve

I said I only wished

frowned. “Are you that

also seated in a private lounge. The waiter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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