Startled, Julia gasped in disbelief, "What? My dear boy, what did you just say? Can you repeat it?"

Elisa knew Julia had heard it clearly, but she wanted to confirm it because she found it unbelievable.

Gareth did not answer but went to sit down on the couch.

Julia averted her gaze to Elisa and asked, "What's going on, Elisa? What did that rascal just say? What were you guys doing just now?"

Elisa's eyes flickered as she was at a loss for words. As much as she would like to tell a white lie for Julia's sake, she couldn't bring herself to say it because she repelled the idea of being entangled with Gareth. She did not even want to be involved in a fake relationship with him.

Gareth's eyes turned cold when he perceived Elisa's thought. He was displeased at her repulsion.

Julia was determined to obtain a confirmation. Despite hearing it from Gareth, she did not trust it immediately. She knew Elisa was shy to answer, so she went to sit down beside Gareth and stared fixedly at him. "What did you just say? Did you guys go on a date?"

Gareth turned to her. "Why do you have to ask again since you've heard it clearly?"

"Mind your attitude, you rascal! There's never a day I stop worrying about your matters. I need a firm answer!"

Gareth darted a glance at Elisa, who sat down across from them and remained indifferent. "Yeah, we went on a date." He hummed.

Elisa's eyelashes fluttered. She pressed her lips and remained silent.

In the past, she had yearned for Gareth to tell others they were dating. She would be over the moon even if he had just made an acknowledgment to her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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