Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 50.1 You Decide (1)


Sabrina's POV

"Don't be silly Arianna. Why would I allow my child to kill wolves?" Josey asks and Arianna turns to face Josey.

She moves back, bumping into me.

"You might not be alive to stop it." Arianna says and we all gasp.

"What are you saying babe?" Cj asks his mate, she turns to face him as tears fall on her face.

"I hope I'm wrong. Goddess I really hope the vision is wrong and can be changed." Arianna pleads with Cj.

"Explain the part where you say Josey may not be alive?" I ask. Arianna turns to face Josey.

"Josey, you want to go explore this love story with Cayden and I understand that. Your vampire is in control now so that also makes sense but it all goes downhill for all of us if you walk away right now with that vile creature! He sends us all to our doom. Just as Sabrina couldn't bring your mates from death, she won't be able to save any of us from what is to come if you choose him. We all die, leaving her all alone with her son and you die first, at the hands of the heir he wants so badly.” Arianna warns. Josey chuckles as she shakes her head no.

"There is no way. Why would my own child kill me? Why would he kill his family?" Josey asks and Arianna looks away from all of us.

"You are aware you don't have a kingdom to rule? No vampire nation or community? Your son will watch Adrastos ascend to becoming king of

all werewolves, making him the ruler, his ruler. He will be part wolf which will require him to abide by all wolf laws. Born a kings son but an heir to no kingdom. You will birth a narcissistic evil that will bring nightmares to our world.” Arianna says before fainting in CJ's arms.

We all look at each other as Evan walks in, who nods his head at Anthony and they place Josey in the cell with Cayden.

"Hey! Why am I in here?" Josey asks and I look at the two boys.

"At the moment, we can't trust you." Anthony says and Josey rolls her eyes.

"Can this place even hold me? I'm sure I could just.." Josey says before trying to walk out but the barrier throws her back, forcing Jose to land on her buttocks.

"Why are you guys so against love? I'm trying to be with Cayden. Stop standing in the way of what is meant to be." Josey says as she gets up.

My fathers walk in followed by mother. Christopher Trent looked better, he was himself again. Dressed well, buttoned up and cufflinks on. My dad was back or was he pretending?

"What is this I'm hearing? Josey is a vampire? Show me your wolf Josey." My father tells Josey who steps back from us.

Her eyes were still a bright red, her vampire still present.

"I can't do that right now.” Josey says and my father shakes his head in disappointment?

"You just lost your mates and now you already want to run off into the sunset with the bozo that killed them? Over my dead body. Separate them and put her in a different cell. We will make sure her wolf grieves in peace without the interference of a vampire slum king. Your wolf will heal and she will bounce back, I did twice. No child of mine will be without their wolf, I won't allow it." Christopher says as Anthony and Evan grab an unconscious Cayden and move him to a different cell.

"Sabrina, what do we do now?" Hunter asks as he looks at Josey.

"Uh well I think we just leave her to her thoughts. I can feel her wolf's agony all the way here and she can't stand there and say she doesn't feel the pain. Let it drive her crazy, to remind her who she has lost." I say before I turn around to walk out.

Everyone follows me as Josey shouts out.

"Are you kidding me!?’ ...

"I need time to think. This is all too much and I honestly need to breathe. Let us meet up again in 3 days and hopefully Josey will be back to herself.” I say before I disappeared, wanting to be in my mates arms.

"Uh oh... what happened now?" Xander asks me and I just throw myself into his arms.

already wants to jump into bed with the vampire king and her mates aren't cold yet. She has fed so she takes blood

again, slowly." X tells me

with this vampire and how I can reverse this vampire curse that is flowing in her veins. She's different and I don't know if I can accept her

had a vision while she

still happening?”

and that child will the

mother barges into Xander's office, followed by Hunter, father,

we don't have 3 days. We need to handle Josey right now." Father says to me. I open

some time now. How do we

the answer." Mother

is? She is ready to forget all and be with the vampire king. Locking her up is the answer until we figure out what to do." I say.

too much. We lost family and as much as we all want to save Josey, the heart is

to Xander. He was

a decision. We all

father disappear first.

They nod their


is feeling better." Xander


just can't enjoy that because of what is


to lock her up so she can give her wolf the chance to grieve? If she still wants the vampire king then, I won't stand in her way. She is my sister and I want her to be happy but


shouts out "Yo, alpha! We have a problem." They share a look which

walks out

meddle with vampires just brought all of this heartache. The war to come. This was


councilmen are here. I had them sit in the lounge so maybe

I look

want?" I ask in a whisper tone as if they were in the

talk to the both of us." Xander says mimicking my whisper

in his office, making my way to the alpha

brown sandals. I let my hair

the lounge,

expecting you. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I say. Forgetting that I am the moon goddess

bow their heads

they follow right after. Someone had brought refreshments and placed them on the

to discuss with you both. We have been alerted and shown a vision of the coming war between vampires and werewolves. It is troubling

rule. They are all dead. What threat could he be right now? The war is years away if it all depends on a child that

king and one queen to rule over all werewolves in the country. The council in other parts of the world agree with this and they will also be implementing the same thing. We will still have alphas and Luna's but they will be reporting to a king and a queen.

ask and the

to the idea of a king and queen and we don't have time to deal with unrest plus the coming war. We will use this time to implement the plan and slowly work on adjusting to a

castle to live in?"

We will be confirming that during the trials. We just came here to

the twin alphas are missing. Although we would like to launch an investigation, as you

will pass on the message." I say trying to defuse the

them and they leave us with a

A competition of alphas?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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