Chapter 78

“Jack” answered Serenity. “I don’t know how lang 1 have to stay here for. I want to tell him not to wait for me for dinner.”

Serenity searched for Jack’s contact in the phone and called him.

The call was quickly picked up. Jackson’s slightly cold voice greeted her, “Sis.”

“I have to take care of something, so I’ll be home late today. You should take care of dinner yourself,” said Serenity.

“What do you mean “take care of something“? Just tell him that you’re in the hospital!” Lisa chimed in.

“Sis, you’re in the hospital?” There seemed to be a slight change in Jackson’s tone.

“Yeah, I tripped and fell, so I’m now in the hospital waiting to get an X–ray,” replied Serenity.

“Which hospital? I’ll be right there,” said Jackson,

have to come. Lisa’s with me. Just

After a moment, Jackson’s cold voice could

she lost her mother when she was young and also spent three years in prison, she was always reluctant to impose

be with her today, she would probably have come to the hospital by herself without telling

be right there,”



him go to the hospital right now to

Valor,” Connor answered once

his phone. Was his boss really

woman, he would go through the trouble to investigate what happened to her

for her.

time ago. She was cleaning the side of the road when an electric scooter ran into her. At that time, Mr. Valor merely spared

woman Connor thought there was no way Jackson Valor had no special feelings for Serenity

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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