Chapter 79

He only paid more attention to Serenity than usual because of what the director said.

At that moment, someone else walked into the consulting room and went to Serenity’s side. He said, “Sis.”

“You’re here,” said Serenity. He arrived faster than she thought.

“Yeah, the heavy traffic delayed me a bit,” said Jackson

“Doctor, how is she? Is she okay? Someone tripped her and she fell several steps down the escalator,” Lisa asked nervously.

“The fall didn’t hurt her that much. She only had some minor bone fractures on her ankle. She’ll be fine after resting for a couple of weeks, but…” Dr. House hesitated a little.

“But what?” asked Lisa

you get injured a lot in the last few years?” asked

wasn’t sure

mean to pry. It’s just that, your X–ray shows that you suffered a lot of injuries in the last few years. Some of your old injuries didn’t

frowned. “But I

young. When you get older,

are we talking about?” Lisa looked

she might get frequent joint pains. If it becomes serious, she might have difficulty lifting heavy objects or have difficulty walking.” answered Dr.

looked down at her limbs. She suffered

a beating, she was merely bandaged up and left to heal by herself. She was grateful enough to get a moment

injuries still be healed? Lisa asked nervously while

Serenity, however, seemed calm.

more food that contains calcium. She should also avoid using cold water when she showers or does household chores. Miss Lewis, make sure you rest

some medicine for her which Lisa went to get. Meanwhile, Jackson helped Lisa walk to

consulting room.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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