Chapter 84

That night, Serenity’s muffled scream woke Jackson up. He turned on the light and found that she was not sleeping peacefully. She seemed to be muttering something under her breath

However, her words were so slurred that he could not make out what she was saying.

“Sis!” he called out to her. He felt her forehead with his hand and found that it was wet with sweat. Her forehead seemed to be

a bit hot too.

Jackson quickly grabbed a towel, soaked it in warm water, squeezed it dry, and used it to wipe Serenity’s forehead.

Her eyes were still tightly closed as she kept mumbling

No matter how hard he tried to rouse her, her eyes never opened.

He pursed his lips. Anxiety washed over him. He did not know what he could do to make her feel better.

time he had


and called his secretary, Connor Gunn. Connor thus received a call from his boss at z. a.m. in

Lewis‘ apartment Immediately. Serenity is having a fever.” Jackson’s voice carried a

now?” Connor was

now,” said

right away. He then left the warmth of his bed in the middle of the night to bring the doctor to

the door. After all, Jackson

moved aside

saw Serenity lying on the bed with her

at her and see what’s wrong with her. I can’t wake

boss had lost

doctor Connor brought was an experienced family doctor. Although he

Connor was

he would be inspecting a patient in a mansion, but Connor actually brought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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