Chapter 85

But after that, Connor immediately reminded himself to stop speculating. It was not something that he should concern

himself with.

Connor gently closed the door behind him. Inside the house, Jackson looked at the still–asleep Serenity. He brought the medicine in his hand to her slightly dry lips. “Be a good girl and take the medicine, okay?”

However, her lips shut tighter instead. He could not even stuff the pill into her mouth, let alone make her swallow it.

Jackson pursed his lips so hard that it almost formed a straight line. He put the pill in his mouth together with some water, lowered his head and moved his mouth closer to Serenity’s.

His lips pressed against hers. The tip of his tongue pried open her lips and pushed the medicine into her mouth. There were actually other methods he could have used, but for some reason, he chose to use this method to feed her the medicine.

Even though the medicine was already in her mouth, he was still longing for her lips.

an addiction. The touch only made him want more and more until… he could stop

he whispered, calling her

her, she slowly opened

taken aback. For some reason, he

her lips parted. She cracked a silly smile. “Mommy, I’ll be a good girl. I want to

She actually mistook him for her mother. The fever

and innocent, but it was also heartbreaking. He recalled that her mother had passed away early in her life. To her, her mother must have been the

father had died early while her mother had died early.

between them after all.

cheeks were flushed due to her fever. Her


it to his face, and gently rubbed her

her eyes and fell asleep once more,

than before.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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