Chapter 199

Their expressions instantly changed. Theresa inmediately questioned, “What do you mean by the

“It means I don’t intend to pay $30,000!” Serenity said coldly, “I never claimed to know any big shot. Granny is your mother, Aunt Theresa. It’s your duty to take care of her. Why are you asking me for travel expenses and meal costs when I’m not even a Walker? Don’t you find it ridiculous?

“That can’t be right, Serenity. Your Uncle Francis and Uncle Desmond saw the big shot carrying you out of the Foster Residence with their own eyes.”

“I don’t know anything All I remember is that I was drugged by my two uncles and I lost consciousness,” said Serenity mockingly, “Maybe that guy simply had a strong sense of justice and tried to help when he saw two men drugging their own niece. Why don’t you ask Uncle Francis and Uncle Desmond who he is? I want to know too because I’d like to thank him personally.”


and his children

did not know him?!

have to pay the hospital bills no matter what. Your Granny only fell sick because your Uncle Francis, Uncle Desmond and Aunt Theresa

to make me marry the moron, all this wouldn’t have happened. If you think they got arrested because of me, let’s go to

calmly. Henry’s face stiffened while his children

in jail. If

might get locked up

asked unhappily. “If we don’t pay her bills,

compensation, right? Isn’t the house you and Granny are living in going to be demolished? The house is a joint property between you two, which means Granny owns half the right to the house. According to the current compensation rate for resettlement, you’ll get at least $150,000. Half of that, which is $75,000, belongs to Granny. You can apply for a loan first to pay the medical bills and pay off

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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