Chapter 200

We’ll take your mother home and tell Serenity we can’t afford to pay for her treatment. Let’s see if she’ll pay then!” Henry said angrily.

“But what if she really takes us to court?” Francis said uneasily.

Desmond quickly added, “Yeah, she used to be a lawyer. Besides, she knows a big shot now… If she really sues us, I don’t think we have any chance of winning.”

Henry rubbed his chin and said unhappily, “Then you three take care of the remaining three quarters of the bills.”

“Us?” Theresa asked in disbelief.

“What else can we do? Wait for that girl to sue?” Henry glared at his daughter, “If you don’t pay for the medical bills, you won’t get a dime of the resettlement compensation!”

Henry had promised to share some of

was counting on the

them, they might actually have to give her a share of the resettlement

the end, they could only try their best to

to her grandmother’s ward and found that she was asleep. Serenity sat down by the hospital bed and quietly stared

had grown

mind paying all of her grandmother’s medical bills by herself. However, the harsh reality was she barely had

had threatened her relatives with the resettlement compensation, she believed they would make sure her

help her grandmother fight for her rights and her share of the resettlement compensation to ensure that she would be

for her grandmother, but she could

when a nurse came in to check on

she saw a familiar figure coming out of the outpatient building at the

She did not expect to run into lacas Gomez at a place

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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