One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 277

Chapter 277 Alexander’s Fall From Grace

Upon hearing Courtney’s words, Oliver swallowed what he was about to say and looked into her imploring eyes. He could do nothing else but nod in resignation. “Yes, I’m talking about my mom.”

“Better sort it out before it turns into an Oedipus complex or something; girls take it personally when you start comparing them to your mother,” Courtney reminded gently and took her purse as she stood up to leave. “I have to go now. There are some things I need to take care of at the office.”

“I’ll see you off,” he offered and promptly rose from his seat.

“No need.” She brushed him off with a dismissive wave of her hand before jerking her head toward the kitchen. “Didn’t Tessa say she’ll bring out a pizza? Stay here and make sure you thank her for her kind gesture. I can see myself out.” With that, she slung her purse over her shoulder and headed toward the door of the milk tea shop.

“Where did your sister go?”

Tessa came out of the kitchen with the piping-hot pizza. The sound of the pizza tray clattering against the table made Oliver jump and he glared at her. “What did you do that for? Can’t you act in a feminine manner like you’re supposed to and be gentle in everything you do? You scared the living daylights out of me!”

The smile that was on her face was quickly melted by his snide remark. She shot him a murderous look and snapped, “Good graces are lost on you. Don’t eat the pizza if you don’t want to—I can always feed it to the dogs around campus.”

“Be careful; this attitude will be the reason why you’re never going to find a husband.”

“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t dream of marrying you even if you’re the last man on the planet.”

Oliver blinked. He thought about what Courtney had said earlier and retracted his head as he smiled to himself.

“What are you smiling at?” Tessa demanded in an incredulous manner.

He did not reply and kept smiling instead. He bent his head to bite into a slice of pizza, oblivious of how delicate he looked as he did so. She blushed at the sight before her. She boldly appraised him, wondering how anyone could look that good. He’s better-looking than most of the buffed-up hooligans in the Blue Eagles.

immediately looked for Bill.

us by Sakura Group is rather tight—everything must be ready to go within a month. However, I’m concerned about the quality of the finished work. We have to send someone to keep an eye on the manufacturing process—day in and

works in fashion, isn’t it?”

nodded. “Designers will be arranged for

the necessary arrangements? There is still

Bill’s leadership, Citron Apparel had decided to take part in the upcoming nationwide fashion design competition.

competition isn’t as difficult as it seems. Not to mention, we don’t have to keep an eye on the manufacturer 24/7. All we need is

protest further and simply nodded in agreement. “In that case, you have free rein on

nodded firmly and he began to make a roster for the designers to visit the manufacturer’s factory to check the work in progress. There was no one in Citron Apparel—not even Courtney—who could top Bill when it came

department, Natasha caught up with her and reminded her about the AW Business and Trade Cocktail Party that would be

the party alone or…” Natasha trailed

with amusement. “Do you think I’m

slowly responded, “Miss Hunter, perhaps you are planning to bring President Duncan as your date for tomorrow


me to say and please don’t be angry with me, but I don’t

her tracks and turned to look

is filled with those who won’t hesitate to bring you down and there aren’t many good folks out who would stand by

wanted to hear more of Natasha’s thoughts on the

If he attends an upper-class social event like the cocktail party tomorrow, he might run into somebody he knows, like the Radson brothers who are in charge of AW Group. I heard that they used to be rivals with President Duncan. On one hand, he might have a hard time facing these people and on the other, I’m worried that if you show up with President Duncan, you might become the victim of vicious gossip. I’m just saying that all

Natasha had given some thought to it and was polite in the way she said it as well. If Courtney were in her shoes, she would have been brutally honest—Alexander’s attendance at the event would be his downfall. His fall from grace would make him the butt of everyone’s

and trade circle. For a proud man like Alexander, who never experienced a downfall in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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