One Night Surprise

One Night Surprise Chapter 278

Chapter 278 Can I Be Your Apprentice?

The atmosphere grew heavy almost instantly.

The director of the manufacturing company was a middle-aged man who wore a pair of little round spectacles. He looked bright and capable, but his expression was now stony as he pointed out, “Mr. Dawson, there’s nothing wrong with these.”

“Nothing wrong?” Bill repeated incredulously as his hand swept down to pick up one of the discarded shirts and waved it in front of the director’s face. “The shirt placket is all messed up and look at the stitching! As soon as this batch goes out the door, it carries with it the pride and dignity of the entire Hunter Group! With a quality like this, you’re going to cost us our reputation!”


The director looked uneasy at the confrontation. Upon seeing that, Courtney stepped up and assumed the role of a mediator; she tugged at Bill’s sleeve as she said, “Stop talking for a bit and let me have a word with the director.”

“And you are…” The director adjusted his spectacles and appraised Courtney curiously.

Most of the work that required trips to the manufacturing company were all previously done by the designers. As such, she had never officially met the director.

Standing at one side, Natasha promptly made the necessary introductions. “This is Courtney Hunter—President Hunter, the director of Hunter Group.

“President Hunter?” The older man blinked. “I beg your pardon, Miss. I didn’t think you’d be so young!”

“That’s all right,” Courtney answered pleasantly. She looked at Bill and silently indicated for him to step aside. She then went over to the director to have a private word with him.

“Mr. Finch, please excuse Mr. Dawson. He’s actually great at everything except keeping his temper in check,” Courtney began. “Here’s the thing—we need this batch to be ready within a month. With a deadline like this, you’ll understand why we can’t afford even the slightest of mistakes. We’re terribly sorry if we offended you in any way.”

all, it was our fault in the first place. I just returned from Elmsbury and

finger like she was drawing an idea out of thin air.

ten days before, then that would be…” Mr. Finch continued as his mind worked out the calculations as he grinned

the way businessmen worked—she drove a hard

and Bill had settled on the good cop, bad cop strategy in order to make sure that things turned out the

the loose ends at the manufacturing company. She offered to drop Bill and Natasha off along the way. The villa on Lotus Road had

pulling up outside the villa when Natasha asked suddenly, “Bill, I was wondering—can

that Bill’s eyebrows were drawn together. He asked in reply, “Why

“Because I like it.”

good at it. That’s just how the

“I… I have not.”

the inferiority that she experienced. In all the time that she knew Natasha, it was the first time that

Natasha. Like most men, he was oblivious to the many aspects of chivalry and he had a mind that was straighter than steel. It was no wonder that he was single even though he was nearly forty years

of you to come up with the strategy of learning fashion designing from Bill. I mean, designing

she finally made sense of what Courtney said, she quickly explained, “Miss Hunter, I’m afraid

types are and they show little mercy to those who are weaker

is willing to take me in, I’ll be

raised a brow as she asked. “Are you really that

my own. He wouldn’t turn you down if you asked, but I really want him to teach me

any further. After all, even she could not be certain that she could persuade the ever-eccentric Bill to do her such a

bag of potatoes. A nearby grocery store was offering discounts for potatoes and they were being sold in two giant heaps right at the entrance. She had bought a large bag of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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