Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 154: Skylar Left 

Jerome's POV: 

I slowly peeled my eyes open and woke to find myself in my room.

But to my surprise, when I turned my head, I saw Linda lying next to me, naked.

What the hell? Why on earth were we naked? Did I sleep with Linda last night? I sat bolt upright, eyes wide with shock.

No, this wasn't possible.

I loved Skylar and my body was only ever drawn to her.

Was I actually drunk enough to mistake Linda for Skylar? If Skylar saw me and Linda in bed like this, she would definitely break up with me.

I pressed my fingers against my temples and tried to recall the events of last night.

However, the last thing I could remember was drinking with Skylar and then being sent back to my room.

I had no memory of Linda coming inside my room.

Linda was crying right now.

No matter how I tried to comfort her, it didn't work.

She kept sobbing over our past, which upset me.

If we really had sex last night, then I didn't know how I could possibly face Skylar.

Would she forgive me? No.

If I really had sex with Linda last night, then I had no right to ask for Skylar's forgiveness.

I was spiraling, so I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

I needed to think.

How on earth did I get into this situation? Maybe things weren't as bad as I thought.

What if this was all part of Linda's scheme? I didn't really trust her these days.

Maybe she just wanted me to believe that we had sex to rope me into being responsible for her.

If that was the case, then I could figure out a way to maneuver out of this sticky situation.

But before I could interrogate Linda, the door suddenly opened.

Skylar stepped inside and our eyes met.

In that moment, I knew I was doomed.

Skylar's eyes were red and puffy from crying.

My heart broke.

and approached her, wanting to wipe away her


I didn't blame her.

she must've felt, seeing

could I possibly explain such a scene to my beloved

explain it to myself, how much more to her? Such an incriminating scene was

to explain, Linda suddenly grabbed Skylar's hand, tears welling up

Jerome.I don't want to ruin

could see Skylar's face getting

that? She was implying we really had sex! I narrowed

things worse! I'd rather Linda just shut

she talked, the

she was doing this

Linda was done babbling, Skylar shook

My heart dropped.

looked like she was going

Linda.Stop crying.I quit.You two can be

only love you, Skylar." I looked into her eyes

glared at

Linda all the best.I hope you and your


meant what

shook me off as

this, Skylar.You're the only one I love.Please, give me

need" she said in a low,

your relationship.You three can live a happy life from now on.Without

a tear

as though she was

of complete

response, Skylar turned around and ran

to chase after her, but Linda

only get angrier.You'd better

much as I hated to admit it,

needed to wait for Skylar to

take me back? I

what should I do?'’

and go after Skylar.I was really worried she would give up

time around, someone else stopped

who suddenly ran inside and latched onto

abandon Mom.I want to

held me tightly with

to push him away, but I

a child after


Skylar's POV: 

to leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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