Outcast: The Alpha King's Beloved

Chapter 155: The Search For Skylar 

Jennifer's POV: 

Anthony and I had a crazy night.We went to sleep very late.

As a result, we didn't get up until noon of the following day.

Skylar was the first thing on my mind, so I went to see her as soon as I got up from bed.

Before going to her room, I prepared some breakfast and honey water for her, knowing she might have a terrible hangover.

"Skylar, are you awake?" I knocked on the door, but received no response.

"I'm coming in!"

I figured she was probably still asleep, so I fetched a spare key and opened the door.

To my surprise, there was no one in the room.

Moreover, the closet was empty.

Everything was neat and tidy, just like the way it was before Skylar stayed here.

Even the quilt was folded carefully.

Other than a letter lying on the desk, there wasn't a trace that Skylar had even stayed in this room.

In a daze, I picked up the letter.

Skylar had left without telling us.

What on earth had happened that made Skylar leave so decisively? I dashed to Jerome's room as fast as I could, only to find him looking dazed and dejected.

Linda and Andy were there, too.

Andy's eyes were red and puffy, as though he had just been crying.What were they doing here?

 "Jerome, what on earth happened?" I demanded.

"I woke up in bed next to Linda, and Skylar saw us."

"What? How did that happen?"

No wonder Skylar left! If I were in my friend's shoes, I would've reacted the same way.The poor girl must've been crushed! 

"Did you have sex with Linda after getting drunk last night?" I asked pointedly.

"I...don't know.I was really drunk.I barely remember a thing. I just woke up to find Linda lying beside me." Jerome looked up at me helplessly.

I glanced at Linda.

When her eyes met mine, she immediately averted her gaze, as though she was guilty of something.

"Do you know that Skylar's gone?" I asked my brother.


Jerome stood up in disbelief.

"Why didn't you try to explain to her?"

I sighed and handed the letter to Jerome.

He looked very sad.

"This is all my fault.If I was able to control myself, we wouldn't be in this situation,"

Linda said in a sobbing tone.

"Linda, you can drop the act already.I know you're happy that Skylar left." I lost my temper.

couldn't help it; Linda's hypocritical face was pissing

always felt that Linda was


I knew Jerome.

his mate! As the saying


calmed down, she would realize that something was

I figured Skylar left because she had reached her

she likely decided

you're Skylar's friend.But what happened between your brother and me last night was indeed

don't believe you," I

She looked surprised.

her eyes turned watery, as though she was about to cry to prove

find Skylar, not to listen to

truth will come to

her a warning before leaving the room.A trace of panic flashed through her

let it

hurry up.We have to find Skylar as soon as possible," I

we had to deal with Linda

needed to find Skylar before

came to his senses and followed me out, leaving

to find Skylar first,

Skylar leaving the Rainbow

lugging a heavy suitcase.Seeing this, my brother squatted

desperate, I didn't know how to


have heard the news that Skylar

"What happened?"

Helen turned

a letter, saying she had made up her mind to leave," I briefly

did it come to this?" Daniel asked

my fault." Jerome

Jerome.We need to focus on finding

put my hand on my

all witnessed the love between my

imagine the pain he


brother was also a

have gone to the Black Stone Pack.After

Daniel guessed boldly.

be the most  reasonable

Black Stone Pack to find Skylar,"

up.We'll cover

Jerome's POV: 

She did it.

Skylar left me.

broken and

I never would've thought that Skylar would leave

we would be together

she was

to the Black Stone Pack alone.I need to be the one to find Skylar and I'll bring her back myself," I

was my mate and she left because of

right that I looked for her.I couldn't burden everyone else with

But they didn't agree.

do it.You are the future Alpha of the Rainbow Pack.They need you right now.Moreover, the Alpha's succession ceremony hasn't been held yet.You can't leave the pack until then.Don't worry.We will bring Skylar back safe

made me realize that the

I didn't even know how to keep

the Alpha was nothing

wealth and status

was Skylar who made life

I have to find Skylar," I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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