Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 35 Devastation Dwells in Tale

Artemis’s point of view

The golden globe of Apollo seemed to be late that morning, dew seemed to form more than normal without the evaporation of the morning sun. The camp was cold, fog embraced it with a curtain of blurriness from afar and the birds seemed to be comfortable with the straws of their nests.

But it seemed the moon not irresponsible, or perhaps it had passed the time for its wax, nonetheless, Artemis awoken to the cold morning air.

She swept the sleep off her eyes, holding her head because of the turmoil therein as her hand reached for the cup off water on the nightstand, something she expected seemed to be missing.

The feeling of not having Percy next to her seemed somewhat normal now, ever since he ran away. But to her, whenever he returned, that hope and the feeling of lost still lingered within her in the morning, where she couldn't feel his presence next to her.

Her silver eyes that mesmerised every mortal and god darted to the idiot that somehow she had an interest and feeling on, and he never stopped to fascinate her sleeping on his stomach on the couch just few feet away from her bed.

Did he afraid of her that he couldn't sleep on the same bed anymore?

The thought was terrifying. Although she always had that stern countenance around him, she always tried to make up the fault she made that day. She'd always wanted to fix it. All she wanted was to make everything look like before, where he was comfortable around her and she was comfortable him. But now it seemed there was an invisible wall between to Artemis. It was so high that even the walls of Donald Trump couldn't have been higher (????????? N/A I'm just kidding with this part, but it's just too funny ?)

His eyes slowly opened, blinking few times and the moon touched the waves. They just stared at each other, the fire burning within them and the waves churning in their chest whenever his green and her silver contacted. It was him the first to speak.

"Sobbed up?" A smirk came to his face. "You were completely wasted yesterday"

"Who said I was drunk?" She snapped, "I was just...tired."

That stubbornness of an excuse never enough for her. She had no idea what had happened last night, even the slightest event was now blank. All she knew was that they had a party, and she assumed she was pretty much a mess afterwards. This is Apollo's fault.

"Yeah keep believe in it" Percy said as he moved to the closet. All his clothes she was still packed in, it was in case if she need a catalyst to cause her brain fall asleep on the first few weeks of his runaway. He somehow now had that impact of her routine, she had never felt this dependent before.

"I'm surprised you still keep my clothes" he said with his back to her, digging to find something.

"What you hope me to throw  them in the wolf cages?"

She could feel him smirking as she snapped her finger and the bed was fixed. It was not that she relied on her power and lazy, normally that was the discipline in camp. But she was too tired that morning to even care about those principles.

That was until she felt something weird about her jacket. Did she just grow over the night?

"Why does my jacket is so tight?" She frowned, examined it as it wrapped around her body.

She felt Percy stiffened, an aura of nervousness radiated from him.

"Probably you spilled the drink on your jacket" he suggested. "And they are still drying"

Though his voice telling he was thinking otherwise. Nonetheless, she didn't push since she was afraid he would pass out from the nervousness.

Weeks passed and things seemed to be coming back into place, just like how it should've been. It was that morning when Artemis was playing with the eternal Pearl on the couch, it was the a gift from Poseidon her uncle for sweeping out the entire population of Telekhines on the west sea. It was satisfying.

The globe glowed with a strange blue and green light, that iridescent colour flow and danced within it like the current of the ocean. It was eternal because of the light that will glow forever, and no matter what method you use, it will ever be broken. That precious pearl marked the alliance of her and hers uncle because besides Aphrodite and Apollo and Hestia of course, Artemis had no one to support her on Olympus.

Suddenly, her fingers twisted the wrong way that the pearl fell from her hand and rolled under the bed.

Oh Chaos!

She crawled forward, swirling, twisting her forearm and fingers to reach for the pearl. A feeling of coldness of the pearl contacted her skin as she grin and slowly retreated her hand with the pearl within. But the glow reflected something else under the bed and made it glittered for a moment. But Artemis eyes were too sharp that to not heed the object.

She used the power to increase the buoyancy around the bed and the wooden bed floated on mid air within a second. The thing she discovered threw questions to her.

A tattered, silver jacket laying on the brown carpet. She slowly picked up and presented in front of her.

It was her jacket, and most of all, it was very concentrated of liquor sense that nearly choked her out.

But suddenly, the memory started flooding back like water as she was about to drop the tattered wine splattered silver jacket.

That night where they were on the bed, the wild time where her walls were broken down, where she allowed something never thought to.

Why are you so stupid?

It was her, the one that started all things. That fire dancing as his voice whispered, lingering still at the present and in the room.

Dammit, why do you have to be so beautiful?

The wild experience, all the lips and skin and touches that happened on that same bed as Artemis lost control of her power, the wooden legs clashed on the floor created a tremendous sound as if her father weaved the clouds with his seer lightnings. That roar, of the pout jacket took the damage from his claws. That desire and lust brunt like a fire within the room, that scene that was replayed to Artemis. She felt exposed; to the world and to all things that she had sworn to hide and to hate. But deep down, part of her felt nothing, like they were aware of what could happen and even them also desired it to be.

Her trembling lips touched by her fingers, trying to feeling that lingering touches of his on it. It was blank, completely when the scene ended. Slowly, but surely little by little, it all made sense to her.

Blush creaked her cheeks as she sat on the bed hard. Why could I be so stupid? I practically revealed how I felt to him, where would I hide my face from now on? She growled to herself.

The flap suddenly opened as Percy rushed, looking around confusingly.

there was an earthquake occurred in this room?" He scratched the back of

at the jacket she was holding close

trying to sound angry to decrease the suspicion. But it came

since he was the one that hid the jacket. A realisation finally lingered, yet came to her that he had allowed it to happen. Even she was afraid, part of her didn't accept, but the question

he have the same feeling

closer, her nails piercing the

you ok over

I'm not! Why didn't you tell

own mouth. It was just a question she had in her mind, that idiot

need something to drink?" He suggested, his step indicated moving backwards.

that was bombarding her mind at the moment. If he liked her the way she liked him, then it could work out right? It wouldn't destroy their current relationship if someone admitted to another? But could he be drunk that day to the point he mistook her with Aphrodite. She just got him back, she didn't want to chase him away because of a sister that had

Nonetheless he should've discovered that obvious hint from her words that night. Even how stupid

on the floor and turned back to him.

a frown as she struggled to form her sentence.

"Th-that night..."

panic. Why would've thought Perseus Phoebe a.k.a Kelp Head, Brick

Artemis" he stepped back, started begging as she looked at

be" he voice seemed soft and so gentle that both

looked at her for awhile, trying to compromise something. Seeing that, Artemis

need to understand Percy" she said. "I can

now or forever leave her? She didn't know that

not angry that

a high building after an earthquake. She wanted to just pick a an object she could find and slam on that head

nervous again since he knew he had done

DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO STUPID!" She roared devastatingly, holding

that night" he reasoned. "It thought the night two days ago that I made a

night you idiot!" she snapped. "It's the day your party

seemed quite down when she noticed him stiffened. It was not afraid, just nervous, it was not terrified, just turned serious. Her anger suppressed when she saw him in that stage. So he knew, he still

idiot! She wanted to yell. Say what you need

he paused.

that would've been normal where she unknowingly having a crush on him without him noticing. But part of her wanted to seek the answer, could their future change, could their relationship change? It

around to the flap until it was burned down and Apollo stepped in with his warlike look.


marched to him with a rage of a

eyes glowed finger as he landed a fierce punch on Percy's cheek

couldn't move from her spot. Percy groaned as he

muscles automatically in between them. Apollo nearly clashed on her but

She said, extended her arms and

breathed hard with that rage between his

you?" Se yelled at

me?" He pointed at himself. "Why don't you

her protective brother. Could he discover something? Did he see something between her and Perseus that got him that mad. What ever it was, it

aside sis" He said again. "Today I'll finish this once and

until they were face

had that staring competition. His fire burnt with that intensity but Artemis would not give in. They both now glowed with silver and yellow, the sky outside darkened as the sun and moon were

with that speed and the ball crashed onto the back of the tent, making a tremendous

keep protecting him!

we sorted this out already!? How hard does

and because of him!" He pointed and glared at Percy. "NOW MOTHER IS

Apollo breathed hard as his eyes turned red around as tears were now swelling up.

are you saying?"

he cave. She should've been executed and tortured for location and her crime if


she thought she had taken

"Keep him if you wish and

the sky outside returned to its normal

now it was her time. She knew he needed her the most now. She never wanted to admit,

his stage scared and crunched her heart. His red teary eyes as

said softly, tried to calm him down but as she made a step... He shook his head and leaped into that form, that powerful form that sent Artemis to a stunt. He lunged and sprinted through

since you guys would burn me alive ???????? I'm gonna extend it a little. Also to make up from the

nearly impossible. Lucky he didn't run

clearing as found him sitting near a cliff. His

it was her that

closed the distance between them as she nudged him a little

looking at his

what he had in mind and she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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