Pertemis: A Wolf’s Tale

Chapter 36 Tale of A Legend

Artemis’s point of view

"We found you" one of them said. "Werewolf"

Artemis stepped back in defend mode and gripped her dagger tight. She knew Zeus had dispatched many of them throughout the world in search for Perseus. Who would've thought this group would locate near her camp. She was so careless for not sensing their presence earlier. Percy now turned cautious, he wanted to step up but Artemis shielded him. He was not their opponent, they were well trained and immortal, even gods have to struggle if they come in large numbers. No matter what, she just can't let them both die here.

Artemis shot an arrow in front of them, the Olympian warriors stopped.

"Another step and this will in between your eyes" Artemis warned and drew another arrow.

"Lady Artemis" he bowed. "We came by the order of the king, your revolted action can be tolerated, but don't utilise it ere Olympus shall be on you"

"This man is no werewolf" she told them. "There must've been a mistake"

"We have fought with them Milady" the leader spoke. "Not until we die will ever forget their scent."

She could feel tension behind her, Perseus, he was angry. Though she didn't know of the history of her race and his. She knew they were ancient, but she was born after their time and had known not of their existence. Whatever happened in the first war, it had destroyed the alliance between her race and Perseus's forever.

Artemis was now in the corner, she could not run or lie no further. Either she let them capture him or kill them, the only problem is that if one of them escaped, Olympians will be chasing her the next day. Worst, these guys have tendencies to retreat when they see the situation is disadvantaged to them.

She shot another arrow as her answer at a guard, but it flew through him like he was just air.

"We are the king's soldiers" they said at once. "Unless there's order for us to be slaughtered, we won't die by immortal's weapon. Your action rebelled Olympus, we shall let the king's judgment decide thy fate"

So that they marched, their swords raised high, its celestial bronze gleamed intimidating in the night, their large shields protected them as their thunder feet advanced closer and closer. Artemis kept shooting as many arrows as possible, but it seemed to have no defect in them, even if it could, then it was just their shields that bounced off the arrow.

Artemis was panic,

she had no plan of how to save them both until a hand squeezed her shoulder, her muscles gave out to that squeeze. Percy stepped up as she looked at him.

"No" it came out just as a breathe.

"It's ok" he smiled. "I've promised to protect us both remember?"

Before Artemis could speak, he focus his attention now to the marching warriors and roared in that tremendous powerful sound that vibrated the ground and air, as the trees rustled that birds scattered from their nest.

He started running, straight towards the warriors as he lunged with his final push, the wolf presented under the sky. His black fur had Artemis long not seen, that lethal claw she witnessed the day on that island and the red eyes of lasers. The Warriors made a shield wall, but was no match for his brutal strength, crashing on them like an arrow from a ballista, destroyed their formation. He attacked with his claw, pushed them away with the snap of his teeth. He had taken down a few of them, but no matter what, he was by himself.

Slowly but surely he was surrounded. They made a circle around him, with shield as wall, spears centred him that confused his senses. And the first howl came. Tears streaked down Artemis eyes as she watched their spears piercing his flesh, the Ichor wet the ground as the pinned him down to his knees. She tried to run up, but two swordsmen clashed on her and held her at place.

"NO!" She screamed. "Let him go! Don't hist him!"

Yet they continued their cruel job. Their swords slashed as he managed to kill one, yet another made contact with his skin and blood was shed. He was taken down soon enough, as his face pressed to the ground, the wolf stared at her as Artemis cried. He could recognise her, even in that form he could. Her image reflected him his eyes as now it had turned green, yet he did not turn normal.

"Carry out the order and law of Olympus" one of them stood behind him as he declared, a sword at his hand.

She knew that was it, nothing could be done by now as the two just looked at each other but unable to help the other. She wanted to tell him how she felt, at last to let him know that she had that feeling dwell inside her for a time, but as if the situation had blocked her. She struggled under their chain, wanted to come up and hold his cheek, whispered to him that it was ok, to protect his vulnerable heart. Yet she had fell again, her duty and responsibility to protect him.

"You are executed at the spot if found" the warrior raised his sword, the blade of fate as it now aimed at his neck.

"No" Artemis cried as she tried to lung forward, as she shook her head but unable to stop them.

That the blade came, little by little as the time slowed down, it was closer to his neck and would end his life perhaps forever. She could feel him talking to her, yet she could make no word of it. The blade at last came dangerously close at his neck, until the executor frozen. Other warriors looked at him in confusion even he himself, even he fell flat on his face and an arrow with pink feathers struck at his back.

A horse's  neigh vibrated the sky as they all tried to loon for the course. Then suddenly, the light dropped as it landed on one of the warrior. From the crater, a figure raised and Artemis eyes filled with hope. The Olympian warrior left Percy as they formed in new formation, ready for a new attack.

Then from the darkness of the trees, he emerged.

Percy stared at him, the golden armour, dark pink cloak and as well as the colour of the Mohawk on his helmet. His golden sword glowed with a slightly pink light, as it was magnified in the night. His shield of that golden precious metal at his side, a lion head in the middle looked intimidating as the also mini lion heads at his chest plates. A spear he hid at his shield, its blade craved in a mark of a dove. He was tall and muscular with blonde long hair that is tied delicately and deliberately in flocks by colourful bands, from afar without that helmet, he would have looked like two legs walking lion. The darkness of the helmet hid his face, yet sparks of red still gleamed in that sockets above his cheeks.

He charged at the warriors, his sword held high as the Olympians seemed to be aware as they locked their shields tighter. He did not crash onto their formation to crumble it, it was his roar, that tremendous roar that cracked the ground, that pushed back the standing ground of the Olympian warriors. He crashed in between the hole of their formation, fighting with that almighty form, the skills Percy had never witnessed. He moved like wind, as if his toes never once touched the ground, Percy could see his movement, but the weird thing was that as he wield his sword, Percy could never catch up with it, as so see where he attacked to block. Even in his wolf ability, that sharp eyes never once picked up the movement of his sword. He used the shields so effectively, that no a single blade from the Olympians could manage to touch his skin not armour, as if he had trained his entire life for that moment.

Artemis rushed over to Percy's side as she tried to help him up, brushing his cheek to check for more damage but now Percy attention was more towards the saviour or is it?

He fought like a lion in battle, although as he knew what formation the warriors were going to form and destroyed it before they even started. One by one, their number was shrunk and many fallen at the golden warrior's blade, yet only his sword that was tainted in their blood.

"Do not escape!" He demanded, glancing at all the remaining warriors.

As his word came out, people was confused even more of why the wavering troops did not escape but put all their might to attack him. Even from afar, Percy could feel the effect that he was urging just to lay there and await his fate.

As last it came just the last soldier, he was broken, yet couldn't escape because of a demand that forbid him from carrying it.

"You will not get away from this" the Olympian warrior snarled. "Your mother won't save you this time!"

"Actually" the new comer dropped a dead warrior on the ground and looked at the last man of his group. "I got this order from my mother"

The Olympian warrior widened his eyes in shock as the mysterious man wield his hand, pink smoke came from nowhere and surrounded the broken warrior as he tried to run, but the smoke came thicker and denser until he was choke in it to dead.

For awhile, everything seemed to be silent as he just stared at the carnage he had shed and stood there with his back facing us. Then suddenly he spoke.

"Artemis, why can't you never stop getting into troubles so I can have a decent holiday?"

He turned back and removed his helmet, Artemis was shockingly grinning the moment she saw his face and moved from Percy's side towards him.

"Paecus you little bastard" she said and the next thing she did confused Percy's the most, she embraced him into a tight hug as he gave her back the equal strength.

"How did you know I was in trouble?" Artemis gave out and asked.

"Pray to my mother" he told her. "She watched over you and since she could not fight the warriors, I got sent into this mess instead."

"You didn't have to make the entrance there you moron!" She punched his chest only to have him smiling.

"I came just in time ok" he said. "My Pegasus had flew an entire distance from Paris to here. You better treat me with something nice or I won't let this over with"

Then his face turned to Percy, as his eye stared at him and Percy's mouth wanted to drop. That eyes, it was unmistakably whose blood he was carrying. Who would have thought Aphrodite's kid would be warlike such as this, even Piper he met wasn't like him. He was good looking obviously from his mother, a man about twenty as he walked closer to Percy, Artemis folded her arms as smiled at the confused wolf.

"So...this is the werewolf I was appointed to save?" He said disbelievingly. "I thought your kind must be as strong as the gods"

Percy was insulted by his words and wanted to protest, but Artemis spoke before him.

"He was not raised with his people Paecus" Artemis said. "He has Titan blood as well so the werewolf power is not fully inherited."

"Hm" Paecus scratched his chin, as if he had known something but surprised by the new, his eyes narrowed. "Interesting"

With that he turned to Artemis, startled her.

"So what do you have for dinner?"

Jealousy now surged all over Percy and for the first time he had to admit it. Not that Artemis was so close to Paecus, but even the Hunters were so happy when they do him, as if he was there long lost cousin. Percy's attention was shifted from their eyes. After dinner, which Percy had never seen the hunters and Artemis happier than ever, they sat at the fire camp area and burnt marshmallow, a young hunter sat on his laps, some other scooted at his side and Percy had never thought they would allow themselves to be close to a man like this before. That just irritated him even more that Artemis was comfortable with it and her eyes gleamed at the stories he told them.

"What's wrong?" He felt a nudge at his side and turned to see Thalia, chewing her marshmallow.

"Nothing" Percy muttered as he focus back to the burning stick, he didn't even pay attention to how dark his marshmallow had become, it was like a chunk of charcoal stuck on a piece wood now.

Thalia followed his gaze and smirked. "Look who's jealous here" that sneer as she jerked her eyes to him just irritated Percy even more.

"I'm not jealous" he said, though his tone revealed much of how he felt.

"Oh stop hiding already" Thalia laughed as she slapped his shoulder. "It's written all over your face"

just embarrassing him even more so he just kept quite. After awhile, Thalia seemed to be

world Perce" She said, smiling at the fire. "Don't think that you are the first male that is allowed to live in

see how impressive fighting skills and live in the hunt make someone a legend" Percy said bitterly, even though he hated, he had to admit Paecus fighting

Thalia glanced at him at the corner of her mouth, sensing his jealousy intrigued her since she rarely see him like this.

please" Percy said and but Thalia pulled him up with reply and dragged him across

going?" He tried to catch up to her speed.

winked as they stopped in front the guy he didn't want to talk at the moment.

his laps and his grin turned into a smile, but his eyes showed

it now Thals" he said.

right here wants to know how you become a celebrity amongst the gods" she pointed her thumb at Percy which he looked at her in surprise.

did hmmmm" Thalia clapped her palm on his mouth,

knees. "Good old Thals never change with the dealing matters by

at the hunters behind her. "Wanna hear

a smaller circle as the fire dancing behind them. That got Percy uncomfortable the most was that Artemis made her seat

but he knew

locked on his mouth, forbidden him to talk. At last he managed to yank it off and glared at her, only to receive a

I assume you know about Roman

as Roman named Diana. The Romans and Greeks never liked each other until the

counterpart of Ares, the god of war. That year where their Praetor Michael Varus led

seemed all the war he had experienced rippled from his shirt as Percy tried to

The person he saved happened to be a daughter of Mars, and that my family established from their. My great grandparents, both children of Mars

he had to commit. Even though he never wanted to think about it,

he left the family and

lived together and he was one of the first demigods ever since the civil of Greeks and Romans to discover the existence of both camps again. He though

Percy stopped him. "If your father is half Roman half mortal and your mother is


25% mortal in my body, the other 25% from Mars and 50% from Aphrodite. I'm the first hybrid to ever born

Fearing that my identity

said they had similar story, they both had no home now, everyone wants to kill them from East

that would reveal her crime and my safety.

who just smiled as she played with

in the hunt for me, and had no

and Aphrodite is so close" Percy made an attempted

me to take refuge

mother promised me the location of the last white deer, that's

found it

her hunt for a time and trust me, it never once

at the time. I trained under him for a time and

stared at the fire for awhile, suddenly Paecus eyes widened

this" he turned to Artemis sharply then to Percy. "Aphrodite noticed Hades before your mother is sent

are serious?" Artemis mouth hung opened, trying to get in the

to my mother then" he smirk.

told me earlier you moron!" Artemis slapped his head

saviour!?" He ground, brushing the back of his neck as he glared

"I saved you first."

can be emptied, mountains can shrunk but Artemis's stubbornness will

never dared to speak

applying some ice on his purple right eye, he continued telling the story as Percy tried to calm Artemis down

annoying sometimes, but besides Artemis, Hestia and Leto, she got his respect. Countless time had him been saved by

Titans war, both on Greek and Roman. Why name was that time known by the demigods, but the gods knew

how they thought Peter and Jason took down a number of Titans and actually decided to watch over

if they rebel against the gods." Artemis chuckled.

second Giant war with Gaia and for my distribution in the war, I was finally accepted as

to do her missions." Artemis continued ranting

partly immortality

Phoebe said with a

will be known. Just be patient and let time decides, your and mine fate have similar

him, as he fell silent. All the jealousy towards Paecus was now filled with respect. He had lots to learn from this person, and now he had

his hands. "Bedtime story

long groan came from the hunters, but eventually they moved to their feet. He kissed the small hunters on their forehead as they moved along. Thalia got into the he line as he stopped at

get good night kiss?" he frowned.

just want to give you a goodnight gift" she smiled innocently and a bucket of cold water landed on Paecus head. Thalia started laughing along with the old hunters and

kissed his cheek before joining the

Paecus turned to her, wet

gag as she rolled her eyes. "Oh please, it's not like this is something new to you.

pink cloud wrapped around his body, a moment later, his clothes had changed

hate that power of her" Artemis pouted as Paecus smirked.

left. "I'm gonna hit the pillow, we will discuss

at Percy's direction, but as he moved his gaze, Percy could sense Paecus was showing him something. Just from a stare, not people he he directed to sense it, but it was reflected his his iridescent eyes. A familiar sense and smell and that mysterious feeling about him that Percy

disappeared into the cold darkness. He dazzled out until Artemis stood

her hand as he just shook that feeling aside and accepted

write today. Bear with

could not shut his mind, despite the day which exhausted him, yet he could not sleep. He wanted to know what Paecus showed him, a scene of something and that familiar scent he tried to

though the wood and the tent that Percy's ear caught it. He opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling as the humming sound had now at the back of his mind. He looked over to Artemis, who was clinging

the trees, their leaves and against the wind. Percy took his pace, running at its direction as it got louder the more steps he made. Through the wood, he headed for the lake just close to the camp, but not many hunters really come to that area. Finally at the clearing,

the stars glittered up high as if they were standing in a carven of gems. Then he started to hum that song again, and Percy just stood there and silent. But now it came more powerful, his voice came deeper until it made sound as Paecus sang in the

your pace, follow the northern

of ice, gods leave afar.

legend race, once


favoured moon, its

change their mighty form.

carefree tales,

fought would be all stormed.


marched they added for

scared bleed, added

were betrayed by Mountain gods.

Hall, the Creator of


Day their fleet,

there they howl to

follow the northern

ice, gods leave

race, once walked


song is pretty the same with the one I uploaded, if you guys can



deep and caverns

ere break

seek our pale

dwarves of yore made

fell like

where dark

halls beneath

ancient king and elvish

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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