Sean couldn't help but curse to himself, "What the hell!" as he looked at Katherine, who was in a crimson dress, not far away from him.

"What the hell?"

Jacob heard Sean and repeated his words as Charles raised his brows beside Sean.

"Katherine asked nothing from Zack,’ Sean blurted out.

Charles burst out laughing.

"Who said that? I don't believe that she didn't ask for money.Where did she get the money for the reservation then? This party is extravagant! The wine was probably worth at least three million.Do you think Katherine alone could afford it?"

Sean was skeptical, but he replied, "Zack directly told me just today."

For a brief moment, Charles was stunned.

"I can't believe it; he said.Katherine couldn't also believe what she saw.When she went to the bar, she didn't expect Zack's friends to be there.She knew that they were not the typical friends that he had.Alice handed her a cocktail after noticing that she was distracted.

"Can you tell me what you're doing? Why do you have a bitter look? Don't tell me you're having second thoughts about the divorce?" She asked.

Katherine snapped out from her distractions and rolled her eyes.

"I do regret coming to this bar just to really squander my money."

Katherine was wealthy, but she didn't spend her money too much.

Fortunately, this was the first and only time she had ever divorced.

Even the world’s richest squanders so much money in one night, and he has to be heartbroken.

Alice sat down next to her and tapped Katherine on the shoulder, "So, what exactly were you thinking? Remembering all the sweet and bitter memories?"

Katherine took a sip on her drink, and it was pretty tasty.

She couldn't stop herself from taking another one.

"Go in the direction of eight o'clock and observe who were the men seated there,’ she said to Alice.

Alice didn't understand, but the wine in her hand nearly spilled when she turned her head saw what Katherine was talking about.

"What a lucky day you have there, Katherine!"

Alice exclaimed.

‘’I'm also curious as to what kind of luck I have today’’ Katherine said as she shrugged her shoulders.

was in a bar, sipping a cocktail in the corner, looking entirely


and realized that she couldn't allow others to think of

stood up after taking a drink of the cocktail in

to dance?" She asked

Alice cocked her head.

time since

Katherine answered as

and we're going to take over the entire place tonight!" Alice

Alice's energy hiked up.

took the microphone, "Hello everyone, and good evening! Let me introduce tonight's star, my rich and good friend Katherine.However, that was just not

it was humiliating at first, but Alice, a shining star, was confident, so

speechless in front of the

stage lights had changed, and people dancing on it had voluntarily stepped out as

the glittering platform, it was just two of

brilliant lights as several steel pipes

from Zack when she married him and tried to look delicate as possible, but she had

needed other

to be a very aggressive person and for the people to submit to

together and even joined Alice on her talent show

later became interested

any lessons, she also applies with

they also had an unspoken agreement

if they hadn't practiced beforehand, they would always

gripping on the pole in one hand as

was stunning and

delicate fingers touched the

below the stage went in

in black

entangled with

had nearly fainted when she saw what

you are now

the side of the stage and called Alice, "Alice! Are you out of

she realized that she was no

sobered up and felt afraid as soon as her manager

was standing off to the side

legs had already wrapped themselves around the

eyes, she was surprised to discover an

her eyebrows and merely closed her mouth to sneak off the stage, leaving

wore a red dress and looked even more

they still could see that the woman in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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