Alice was obviously somebody who could dare to be tough on her friend.

Without showing respect to Katherine's ex-husband, Alice would usually say, "Zack is a jerk"

But once the jerk was in front of her, she seemed completely off.

"Oh, right.My manager just called me.You guys talk."

Alice walked away from Katherine and Zack.

The latter looked mad but was trying to keep his cool.

When she was a distance away from the tension between the two, she could not resist but curiously look back at them.

The frightening expression on Zack's face was as if commanding her to stay away from Katherine for the time being.

‘Gosh! Zack probably won't hit a woman, right?’ she thought, reassuring herself.

Katherine turned to look at Zack and smiled as she replied, "Sure"

She bit her lip and followed him out of the bar.

They both stood under a street lamp on the side of the road.

Having had just finished pole dancing on the stage, her hair was a little messy and her cheeks looked pinkish.

Her naturally alluring eyes smiled at him.

Under the dim yellow street light, Zack found Katherine inexplicably more flamboyant tonight than she used to.

Within the entire three years that they had been married, he rarely paid attention to her.

It was a waste of time, he reckoned, to glance at a woman who was blinded by money and did not look at herself to know her place.

But sometimes when he would go back to the Colburn villa, he would occasionally take a sneak peek at her and found her surprisingly tender eyes.

But now, he was seeing a pair of wild eyes.

She was looking at him wantonly.

The warm street light reflected in her eyes, but there was a hint of coldness in them.

"What do you want us to talk about?" she asked.

Zack was even more irritated now.

He replied with cold and harsh words.

"Since we're divorced now, it doesn't matter to me whoever you're with.But, Katherine, we've just divorced this morning.Although you don't care about your reputation, I don't want to be accused of being a man who divorced his wife because she cheated on him.’’ His words were so cold that when Katherine heard them, it was as if he splashed them on her face.

She sneered and raised her hand to tuck a few strands of long hair behind her ear.

if someone wants to pursue me, I

villa every day for the entire three years of our marriage.Instead of

Katherine no longer wanted to waste

was so

she said with finality.Before she turned her back away from her ex-husband, she glanced at him one last

walked back to the bar without waiting

was left

to restrain the anger

place, it was her who had recklessly barged

now, she pretended to


for him to sleep at home at night? He really

in his

as he took

on the

"What's the matter?"

of the line, Natalie replied, "Hey, Zack? I accidentally hit someone's car, and the owner looks

voice trembled as if she was about


spite of it,

"I'll send Aidan there."

brother has just given me the information you asked for today.If you can come here, you can have

at the banquet and was

he asked,

the North Capitol Street


up, however, Zack did

he walked back into the

to see him return, so they

glanced at them and asked

rubbed his nose

came to pick her up.’ The sound of it made

turned around and

Zack's back,

like he's still

think he's being

"Who knows?"

from his loveless relationship, so why did he still have to care about Katherine's affairs? In the black

two shots of a

Katherine gulped it all at

a little uncomfortable when she

backseat, Luke Hoffman carefully pressed Alice down as though

not even

car was quiet and the lights outside

her to remember everything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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