Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Lila Disappears Odette’s POV

Watching Lila dart gleefully around the playground – positively squealing with happiness transports me far into the past. I’m no longer a lonely widow far past her prime, I’m a young mother with my whole life ahead of me. My loving, powerful mate stands by my side, and together we look on in amazement as our pup finds his way in the world.

My heart aches to return to those halcyon days, but the talgia and grief aren’t what concern me most. At first I thought I was seeing flashes of Bastien in Selei. pup out of wishful thinking. Now I know better.,

She might be her mother’s miniature in looks, but Lila is my son’s clone in spirit. There is so much of Bastien in Lila I can’t believe he doesn’t see the resemblance. I suppose it’s difficult to recognize one’s own mannerisms and expressions in another person, but I would recognize them anywhere. A mother never for gets, and it’s not Selene’s baby I’m seeing in front of me it’s mine.

No matter what the DNA tests say, it’s become painfully obvious that Lila is Bastien’s child. The clues go far beyond the pup’s looks or personality, as soon as I acknowledged the possibility, the puzzle pieces started falling in place. Selene was sick as a dog in the weeks before her supposed death, not to mention the mood swings and exhaustion. I should have recognized it at the time but I was admittedly distracted.

I don’t know Selene’s motivations for lying, or how those results came back negative, but I intend to find out. I won’t repeat Bastien’s mistake and go behind her back. I plan on confronting Selene directly. I’ll find some time for us to be alone together and ask her what’s going on.

I understand the pressures, fears, and stresses of motherhood in a way my son and his Betas never will. I know how strong the instincts are to protect our young – how primal. I’m not going to jump to any conclusions.

If it turns out that Selene is keeping this secret for compelling reasons, I may even be convinced to stay quiet. Knowing my daughter in law, I suspect there must be a good reason for hiding the pup’s identity. However, if I’m wrong, if it turns out she’s lying for the sake of silly insecurities or spite – I won’t hesitate to tell Bastien.

The fact remains that Lila is both a Volana wolf and an Alpha’s pup. I won’t stand for my grandchild being denied the privileges and protections her birthrights demand unless I can be convinced deception is the safer option.

Sighing and shaking my head, I continue to follow the movements of Lila’s tiny body with my eyes. She’ s wearing a bright red sundress, though the garment is little more than a blur the way she’s zooming around the park.

Movement flashes in my periphery, and a familiar scent fills my nose. I turn to greet Drake’s mother, Diana. She and I are old friends, bonded through the shared experience of being mated to Alphas and raising their heirs.

I immediately fold her into a hug, “Diana! It’s been too long.”

“I know,” She commiserates. “You’d think Joseph retiring would give us more time to travel but nooo.” She quips, referring to her husband. “All he wants to do is lock himself in his study and read!”

“You could travel without him.” I suggest, knowing it’s a fruitless idea. Joseph may be Diana’s second husband and merely a chosen mate, but he’s still an Alpha: they don’t like to let their wives out of their sight.

love to come stay with you in Elysium

any time.” I assure her,

“Thank you.” She glances around at the

Diana does not seem overly

her sharp features quickly. “No,” She answers honestly. “And

me so much of Bastien. It’s uncanny.”

for a very long time, Odette.” She broaches gently, “longer than our pups understand. And our friendship

and Selene, I can’t pretend I understand all the stakes but I know this,” Diana confides, “Selene gave birth six months after arriving in


“She was small –

clue to the larger picture.

“Though I admit, I wouldn’t mind if she were Drakes. She’s such

‘You know how it is

“Just so.” She grins.

awash with fresh certainty that she is my blood. I scan the slides and swings, the sand boxes and climbing contraptions, but I do not

an eerie sense of unease raising my hackles. I scan the playground again and again, searching every corner and crevice for signs of Lila. When I come up empty I scent the air,

reach out for Diana, steadying myself on her arm.

wrong?” She questions sharply, reading

you see Lila? Do you smell her?” I

transforms: from placation, to puzzlement, to concern. “No.” She

don’t need her to finish the sentence. “She’s

Bastien’s POV

tempting me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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