Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 74

Chapter 74 The Letter

Selene’s POV

This isn’t happening.

It can’t be real.

I’m frozen in place, staring at Odette as if she’s a ghost. I must have misheard her. But if that’s the case, why does she look so distraught? Why are there tears in her eyes? And where is my pup?

I swing my gaze from her to Bastien, whose hands are locked in white knuckled fists at his sides. He’s breathing heavily, his eyes glowing and fangs extended. My first reaction was disbelief. His apparently was fury.

Bastien’s gaze descends on me, and I feel my lower lip begin to tremble uncontrollably. It’s not real. I think desperately.

Luna is frantic, lashing out our heightened senses to every corner of the room in search of Lila and coming up empty. “What do you mean she was taken?” I choke, “How could that happen, weren’t you watch ing her?”

“I’m so sorry, Selene.” Odette professes sincerely. “I turned my back for one moment and she was gone!”

What?!.can’t help blaming Odette a little when I realize Bastien is crossing the room towards me, a de termined look in his molten eyes. I back away from him, shaking my head in denial and trying to stay out of his reach even as his muscular arms extend towards me.

“No!” I insist, swatting at his hands. I don’t want to be cuddled. I don’t want to be comforted. I want my pup. “Don’t Bastien!”

He doesn’t listen, growling dominantly and dragging me into his embrace no matter how hard I fight.

Eventually my flailing limbs and defiant snarls give way to sobs. It isn’t real. I think again. She isn’t gone. My hands go from pushing my mate away to trying to climb completely into his arms. He lets me, lift ing me off the ground and rocking me gently back and forth.

Gentle, soothing purrs vibrate against my cheek and soft lips press to my hair. “Shhh little wolf.” Bastien croons. “We’ll find her.” He promises, an edge of steel in his deep voice, “You have my word if it’s the last thing I do, I will bring her home.”

Sophie’s POV

think I’ve made

sense when Martin was spelling out the plan. He was so convincing. All I needed was a little leverage to hold against Selene in order to convince her to leave Drake, and her pup would certainly provide the motivation. It’s not even really a kidnapping Lila knows me, and I have no intention of hurting her at all. I just want to talk with Selene, to make sure she isn’t a

and Martin’s plan doesn’t seem so great after all. They must be out of their minds with worry, and I highly doubt they’ll be

so much that I would steal an innocent child from her mother? That I would hold her hostage in exchange for staying away from

always liked Selene. I’ve always liked Lila. I don’t want to cause

pretend to understand the bond between parent and pup, but I know enough to understand this is cruel and

my home? Maybe if I reach out and pre tend it was an accident. I can say I found Lila wandering near the park and rescued

is hovering in the doorway watching me, a gruesome sneer on his face,

any louder lest I set off his temper. ‘They’re going

his head, striding forward with a cold leer and taking my chin in

what comes of questioning Martin

be.” He hisses. “I want what’s best

“Yes, but”

told. I swear, I don’t know why you have to make things so difficult.

and paper into my hand, and I can feel Lila watching us. I glance in her direction, find ing

mean.” The pup


his ruthless temper flushing his ruddy face. “What did

feet, running to put myself between the two of them.

my shoulder, I see Lila still glaring. Shame writhes in my belly, apparently even toddlers are braver

lashing out with

he’s grasping me by my

of blood, I try to force down the sick rising in my esopha gus. Trying to steady my shaking hand, I lift the pen, and begin to

Selene’s POV

when I find the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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