Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Injecting

Selene’s POV

I don’t know how much time has passed since we arrived here. Without windows I have no way of deciphering whether it is day or night, and while it feels like it’s been hours, misery always makes time move more slowly.

Sophie has finally stopped crying and is manically hugging her knees to her chest and rocking back and forth on the ground. I feel sorry for the poor woman, but I cannot forget that she is partially responsible for our situation. I might be more understanding if she’d only involved me, but endangering my pup was un forgivable.

Lila is sleeping comfortably in my lap, and I am trying my best to hold it together. My head is pounding with stress and dehydration, and if we were anywhere else I would be terribly embarrassed by how loudly my stomach is growling. It sounds like an angry bear out for blood, but I know I can handle it.

I’ve starved before, I can starve again. Thankfully my daughter has not had to experience that particular hardship yet. I don’t think I can bear to watch her waste away as I once did, and I need to get us out of here before that happens.

Think. I hiss in my mind, there has to be a way.

Attack the bastard. Luna suggests, let me at him!

He’s too strong. I remind her, and I don’t want to risk pissing him off. He might retaliate by hurting Lila.

I stare hopelessly at the door. If it were just made of wood Luna might be able to smash through it, but Martin was clearly prepared for a hostage situation. Iron bars have been installed in front of the standard oak panel, and we don’t have any tools to try and pick the lock.

I don’t know what to do, and I hate feeling so helpless with my pup’s life at stake. We’ll find a way out of this. Luna declares, we always figure something out.

I know she’s trying to be positive, but the fact remains that Luna wasn’t around for the most difficult trials of my life. I haven’t survived through skill or intelligence; I haven’t solved my own problems.

I escaped Garrick out of luck. Bastien saved me from homelessness and starvation. Drake saved me from drowning and being assaulted. Someone I have never been able to identify rescued me from the fire, and kind strangers helped me make it to Eros territory when I woke up. I can’t even take credit for building my life in Asphodel it was handed to me.

left to my own devices | would have died a long time ago, and I’m terrified that my string of luck has

and I try to force the feelings away. I can’t fall apart.

getting myself back under control when a loud clanking fills the air. Martin appears as the basement door swings open, followed by the thick black bars. He’s wearing his familiar smirk, dragging scornful eyes over his struggling sister and then closing in

he comes down the stairs, a thousand possibilities racing through my mind for what might happen next. He’s got something in his hand, and as he draws closer I

think, that can’t be

don’t want me to attack

the wall, placing my body between

you want me to hurt your brat, you’ll shut up

to what?” I demand, nodding

to help you relax.”

not seeming to know

goddess-damned mouth.” Martin thunders, his temper detonating from

head frantically, “No!” | exclaim, “You’re not putting that in me!” Luna is right at the surface of my skin,

and wraps his fist in my hair, using it to pull me from the ground even as I struggle and fight, trying as hard as I can to keep my pup away from this monster. I’m snapping and snarling, thrashing with all my

I see before the world goes black, is Martin preparing a second syringe

Bastien’s POV

The meet is set.

headed for a remote location in the nearby hills. Axel is already straining to get out, and I can’t wait to get my

night. A wolf I don’t recognize is standing in front of

him before we’re out of the car, and I immediately recognize the aroma from Selene’s rooms and the

don’t kill him on sight. I can feel Selene and Lila. I know they’re close, but we can’t risk some sort of contingency or booby trap. It bothers me that his sister is not visible. Is she waiting just out of sight? Is

horror when Drake and I step out of the car,

to speak.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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