Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Just in Time

Drake’s POV

I could kill Martin where he stands.

Behind me I can hear Bastien’s Betas’ frantic mutterings, reminding the other Alpha that the scum kneeling before me is trying to distract us, to turn us against each other. They beg him to stay calm, not to react, but I barely notice.

I don’t care that Martin told Bastien I kissed his mate, though in fact I failed. I care that he took Selene and Lila, and I especially care that he’s been abusing his sister. If you’d asked me this morning who I cared about more, I would have unequivocally chosen Selene but that was before: Before I heard what this monster did to the sweet wolf I grew up with, before I realized how oblivious I must have been to overlook his cruelty.

No one deserves to be hurt by someone responsible for taking care of them, especially Sophie. She’s bright and warm, she loves and is beloved by everyone she meets. I had no idea she had feelings for me, and I’ve never looked at her as anything other than a friend but knowing she’s in danger has changed everything.

It’s a strange thing, not realizing how important someone is to you until they might get taken away. Yet that’s exactly what’s happening now. I don’t think I’ve gone more than a week without seeing Sophie since was little, and the thought of never seeing her again makes me want to tear the world in two.

I would give anything to slaughter Martin like the pig he is, but I can’t. Not until Selene and Lila are found, and not until Sophie is safe.

“Where is she?”

Bastien’s POV

Aiden and Donavon are still muttering in my ear when Drake begins snarling at Martin, demanding to know his sister’s whereabouts.

More than anything else, seeing how upset he is about the other she-wolf calms my temper. When this is all over, I intend on having words with both him and my mate about the incident, but now is not the time.

“I’ll tell you once I’m safely out of the territory,” Martin suggests.

“You’ll tell me now.” Drake commands, more powerfully than I’ve ever witnessed before.

“It’s Sophie or the Volanas.” Martin counters maliciously. “You choose who comes first.”

trust me, not to interfere. I don’t want an innocent wolf starving to death, and I would never abandon her thus. Drake has to understand that for

circle the prone kidnapper and lunge forward, closing my hands around his head and

I don’t need to keep you alive. As soon as you’re dead I can follow her scent and have her back

I lie, “you have five seconds to tell us where Sophie is. If you do, we’ll at least give you the chance to run. Keep quiet, and

nostrils flare, and his hands close into fists. “That wasn’t the deal!” He objects, catching on

the deal.” I answer savagely, “this has gone on long

and the vile wolf breaks like a twig. “She’s in a cabin in the central valley!” He exclaims, rattling off an address.

the stark pressure on his bones. “The trunk!” He

bricks, nodding to Aiden to take over as I move towards the car. I can hear Mar tin trying to crawl

reaching inside to gather up the sleeping bundles inside. They’ve been bound and gagged, even though both are unconscious. I’m already counting the minutes until Drake’s beta

going to enjoy killing Martin almost as much as I enjoyed killing

to Drake’s car and set tling into the back seat. As I try to revive them, Aiden follows my mental

“Nothing!” Martin insists desperately.

skin is pallid. I don’t like the look of her, and I’m

drugged.” Aiden persists,

clearly in pain. “Just

suddenly panicked, ‘You

not sure why the information concerns him so much, Starlight isn’t a dangerous drug almost every hospital on the continent prescribes it as a sedative. Nonetheless, another glance at Lila makes my heart plunge below my navel. She’s at least two

equally confused. ‘They’ll

Alpha’s voice is sharp as a knife. I jerk

clarify. It’s a stupid question, I can already see the damage the

gravely, “We need to get her to a

car door shut as Drake returns to the

turning the key in the ignition. “Martin was telling

myself, but Lila comes first. As we pull out of the trailhead, I issue my orders to Aiden through our link. Kill him and make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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