Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 81

Chapter 81 Daddy

Bastien’s POV

By the time the lab has mixed the antidote for Lila, Selene is so exhausted she’s barely able to keep her eyes open. She’s trying so hard to stay awake, but the last few days have been exhausting in more ways than one.

As pleasurable as heat cycles are, non-stop sex for hours on end takes a lot out of you as does resisting the hormones in order to function normally when you inevitably must. Running on almost no sleep, my poor little wolf had to cope with heat, her pup being kidnapped, then being taken herself, and now this. If it hadn’t been for her time under the Starlight, I think the stress would have toppled her over hours ago.

I’m not in great shape myself, but I’ve been trained to endure war, to survive under the harshest conditions imaginable and somehow persevere. Besides, just as Selene keeps herself going for Lila, I keep myself going for them both. I’ve stationed myself between their beds, holding my mate’s hand and gazing at my pup in wonder.

I’m a father. Not a surrogate standing in for another man, not a guardian or adoptive parent, but a real father. It still doesn’t seem real. I already thought I was the luckiest bastard on the planet just for getting to call Selene my own and help raise Lila. Now! think I must be dreaming.

“You should really try to rest a little.” I encourage Selene for the dozenth time, stroking her palm with my thumb. “I promise I’ll wake you the second something changes.”

Selene shakes her head weakly. “No.” She replies hoarsely, “not until I know she’s okay.”

Luckily we don’t have to wait much longer. Selene has been watching Lila’s vital signs like a hawk, and when the doctors finally enter with a syringe full of eerie purple liquid, she practically tries to jump out of her bed. I catch her before she gets very far, not that it’s difficult. Her movements are sluggish and unsteady, like a drunk under water.

“Okay Mr and Mrs Durand, the antidote is ready.” The doctor announces, showing us the drug. “I’m going to inject it straight into her IV so it will get into her system nice and fast.”

“You’re sure it’s going to work?” Selene frets.

“Nothing’s ever one hundred percent.” The doctor hedges, “but I’ve never known this treatment to fail.” She presses the needle into one of the little ports along the clear tubes feeding into Lila’s arms, and depresses the plunger. The purple liquid slowly seeps out of the syringe and into the tubes, then disappears into the toddler’s veins. “It will take a little while to fully revive her.”

“How long?” I press, my agitation spiking now that the moment of truth is imminent.

“Half an hour?” She theorizes. “Give or take.”

Selene, kissing her hand. “That’s not

but after five minutes Lila’s vital signs begin to improve. Her heart beat grows more steady and her blood

shakes my hands as vigorously as she’s able

I assure her, “It’s

crying again, only she doesn’t look relieved or happy as I

away.” Selene complains in

but Selene isn’t nearly as tangled up in equipment. Careful to pull her IV pole with us, i scoop my mate up and settle her in my

cheek pressed against the curve of my neck. Still, she peeps, “Closer.” She needs to sleep. Axel gripes, his concern for our mate overriding his happiness

the pup wakes. I counter, She can make it a little

soothe, rubbing her back. “It won’t

quietly I almost don’t hear her. “Why is someone always trying to hurt us?” My heart cracks wide open at these words, at the pain in her sweet voice. The worst part is that I don’t have an answer. Selene’s life has been one trauma after another, and it never seems

any of this, but certain that I will find a way. I will not let this

logic or understanding. She’s spiraling deeper, delving into dark thoughts

didn’t deserve anything that’s happened to you, Selene. Do you

grunts sleepily, not truly answering me. “Life isn’t always going to be this way.” I soberly claim, “We’re going to make it better, we’re going to be

her face into my neck, “I’m so tired,

can respond, a tiny voice sounds on my

our attention snapping to the bed. Lila’s two-toned eyes are blinking blearily, and she’s

reaching for the child. Standing, I balance Selene on the edge of the bed, keeping her weight braced against me so she doesn’t topple

little face twists up, and she begins pulling at the various tubes connected to her body.

tells her. “I

can’t help but admire the color given how pale she was a little while ago, even though I recognize what’s coming. Lila begins to cry, overwhelmed

minutes I have two crying she-wolves on my hands, one whom I can’t calm, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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