Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Sophie is Rescued

Sophie’s Pov

I shifted after Martin left with Selene and Lila. It’s so cold in this basement that my teeth were actually chattering I’ve never been so grateful for my fur. I don’t know where he’s taken them or when he’s coming back, but I’m not sure it matters.

By now Drake must know what I’ve done.

If I ever get out of this place I’m going to be in a world of pain, either from Martin’s fists or Drake’s hatred. Hell it will probably be both. I’ve survived Martin’s temper my entire life, I’m not sure I can survive Drake hating me.

My stomach is growling so fiercely and I can’t remember the last time I ate. I’ve been trying to distract myself from the wretched pangs and my parched throat, but my thoughts can only drift so far before finding their way back.

I hope Selene and Lila are okay. I still don’t understand what Martin is up to. I was a fool for believing him, but I don’t have the faintest idea why he wanted the she wolves. I have a very bad feeling about all this. Did he leave me here so I couldn’t run for help? Or is he simply not finished with me yet?

I’m still pondering the idea when I hear the front door open, then a wolf moving through the house on all fours. A shadow appears beneath the door at the top of the stairs, and Hugo’s familiar scent wafts down to me.

Oh Goddess, has he come to arrest me?

The door jerks off its hinges, releasing a stream of yellow light filtering through the iron bars. Hugo is back in human form, squinting through the darkness, “Sophie?” He calls, “Are you alright?”

I can’t answer, I can’t bring myself to shift back. I can barely breathe. I’m spinning into a panic attack, the walls closing in around me. Hugo curses under his breath, and I can see him fighting with the padlock on the bars. “Just hold on Soph, I’m going to get you out.”

I whimper as the room begins to spin, listening to the clinking and clanking of metal far above me. The last thing I remember is hearing a metallic crash as the lock breaks, then everything is black.

lashes part, and I can smell the strident clean of a hospital. It’s

other time I would be comforted and thrilled to find him at my bedside, now I

Rose, is always more optimistic than I am. She says it’s because her instincts are stronger, I think it’s because she often gets to stay safe inside me while I bear the brunt of Martin’s

heard that.

lamb?” Drake’s deep voice skitters over my skin, and suddenly I can feel him next

my skin rather than pulling it away,

gets my attention. I hesitantly open my eyes, finding Drake’s handsome face much closer than I expected. His emerald green eyes are clouded

sighs heavily, looking almost regretful.

I ask, unable to process

“He can’t ever hurt you or

clue, but a sob rises in my

probably cost me my future. I know they’ve cost me the man I love. I shouldn’t be

grew up together, those memories count and he’s the only family

his arms. I collapse against him without shame, crying my heart out over everything that’s happened over the last week over the last

making soft shushing noises and murmuring encouragements my ear, “That’s it sweetheart. Let it

did. I don’t deserve his kindness. If I’m capable of kidnapping an innocent

know he’s angry with me. I can feel rage writhing in his chest like a feral beast, lurking just beneath the surface and waiting to burst out-probably when I’m not a blubbering mess. I’m not sure

small fists so tightly my fingernails break the skin,

blood fills the air. He instantly catches my wrists, prying my fingers out of their tightly locked position, “baby, what

this, always called me by terms of endearment and showered me with physical affection. It’s why it’s been so impossible to get over him, to even look at anyone else as a possible

his voice. I can only cower and cringe away from him until a second growl shatters the quiet, and my gaze jumps

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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