Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 85

Chapter 85 I Don’t Think I Can Be Gentle

Bastien’s Pov

Selene’s eyes are glowing with barely contained emotion when I finally sneak her out of bed, unraveling Lila’s plump limbs from our bodies and slipping out from beneath the covers. Tossing my mate over my shoulder, I cart her into the living room and pull the bedroom door shut.

Depositing Selene onto the sprawling sectional, I pounce, covering her body with my own and reveling in the feel of her bare skin on mine. I know the Goddess created us for each other, but it never ceases to amaze me how perfectly our bodies fit together.

giant, her little form fits so snugly in my arms I could happily carry her forever. And that’s not to mention the glove like embrace of the sleek channel I’m about to bury myself in.

“What if she wakes up?” Selene whispers in between kisses, her hands trailing over every inch of my body. She’s exploring me as if she’s afraid some part of me has changed in the last 24 hours, as if she’s no longer certain I’m real.

“You’re just going to have to be very quiet,” I tease, licking and nipping my way down her throat.

“Bastien, I’m ser-” Her words are cut off with a strangled gasp when I suck her nipple into my mouth, all protests forgotten. She arches her back, offering up her charms to my questing lips, biting down on her fingers to keep quiet.

In truth, I’m not worried about waking the pup because I know this is going to be over fast. We’ve both been waiting too long to be reunited this way and are positively frenzied with need after denying our instincts for so many hours.

“I don’t think I can be gentle this time, baby.” I warn her. The truth is I need to be inside her so badly it hurts. My frustrated anatomy aches with unrequited lust, and my sanity teeters on the edge. I might have seemed in control to Selene when we put Lila to bed, but I simply have more experience being in rut.

“Good.” She growls passionately, sinking her little teeth into the bulging muscles of my shoulder.

the wetness pooled at her center. The scent of her arousal has been torturing me all evening, but I didn’t realize how

sink into her soaked sheath all the way to the hilt, swallowing my mate’s cry

would have been afraid to take

hers almost savagely. I know the exact

I deliver a spank to her luscious behind, changing her snarl to a whine. I give her another, liking her plaintive sounds just a bit

back bows as her hips undulate into my thrusts and her shoulder blades shake against my chest, the muffled sounds of

my teeth into the imprint, not hard enough to break the skin, but forcefully enough to prevent her from moving as

base of my spine I slide my free hand to her slippery clit, spurring her to a sudden and explosive peak. Her body goes rigid as it takes her, and her spasming muscles squeeze my cock so fiercely that I cannot last another second. I spill into her with a ragged growl, riding her through the throws of ecstasy and only stopping when

that fills me with smug pride. I steal one final kiss from her lips,

or smell in the years I believed she was dead, but I never imagined I would experience them again. Now

freshly clothed. Selene is out the second her head hits the pillow, and the last


nothing but adoring ever since rescuing us, and after a morning of family time and frantic quickies whenever Lila takes a nap, I’ve almost

glancing at Lila out of the corner of his eyes and speaking softly. “How are

may be vague, but I know what he means. The immediate danger may be passed now that Martin is dead, but having my baby kidnapped in broad daylight has made me fairly determined to never let her out of my sight again. “I’m afraid to turn my back.” I admit in a whisper, “everytime I do

know exactly how you feel.” He rumbles, lips moving against my hair. “I’ve been that way every since I realized

of causing Bastien to feel

the words die in my throat when

between her legs. Where there was only love and desire moments ago, there is now an Alpha’s stern disapproval. Cupping my cheek, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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