Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 86

Chapter 86 You Knew You Were Pregnant?

Selene’s Pov

The cafe is closed on Mondays, but when Bastien and I arrive the lights are already on and the scent of roasting meat is emanating from the kitchen. My stomach rumbles in reply, and I look up at my mate in confusion, “you gave someone my keys?”

His lip quirks, “Just Donavon.”

I should have guessed. Donavon has always been a wonderful chef, and he takes every opportunity he can get to invent new dishes and recipes.

“Oh,” I relax, calling out a hello to the Beta.

A disembodied voice returns my greeting, and then Donavon’s head pops around the corner, his shoulder-length salt and pepper hair-pulled into a ponytail. “Dinner is just about ready ten more minutes and I’ll be out of your hair.”

I from, feeling uncomfortable that the older man should be waiting on us. Bastien reads my expression and chuckles,” don’t worry, he volunteered.” He assures me, “And it’s not just for us, he’s packing up boxes to take to the apartment.”

“Oh good,” I relax a little, looking around the familiar space. All of the tables are bare save one. A cozy booth in the corner is set with a pristine white table cloth and gleaming silver flatware. Tealights glow at its center, and a bottle of red wine awaits with two empty glasses.

Bastien tugs me over to the booth, waiting for me to slide in before taking a seat on the opposite bench. My eyes widen with surprise when I realize he means to sit across from me. Bastien never lets me out of arm’s reach if he can help it. Even before all this happened, he preferred to keep me close touching me more often than not. I used to think it was a show of possession or protection, now I understand that he simply does it because he wants to.

Anxiety skitters in my veins, my heart beating a little louder.

I don’t like this. Luna says.

I don’t either. I admit shakily.

*Don’t look so alarmed, baby.” Bastien purrs, pouring the wine and offering me a glass. “This is simply to make sure we don’t get distracted.”

well, let’s just

strike at the most inconvenient times, and if he’s

it down in front of us and even

I know he’s furious with me, but I doubt he wants me frightened. I imagine it feels something like when I have to discipline Lila for being naughty. I know it’s the right thing to do, but seeing her suffer the consequences fills me

and throwing me off completely. Later I realized he did it to help

of wine came out and we were both

and eyeing me with lethal intent. “Where do

freeze with my wine glass halfway

“Well, you have quite a few options to choose from, Selene.” He rumbles, “There’s the fact that you failed to tell me Drake kissed you. There’s the fact that you willingly walked into Martin’s trap without telling anyone where you were going or what was happening.” He sets his own glass down before his tight grip can smash it. “And then there’s the fact that you

completely forgot about Drake’s attempted kiss and the ransom note. In hindsight it makes perfect sense that Bastien would disapprove of those things, but I never considered his reaction in

didn’t actually kiss me.” I wait for him to contradict or question me, but he simply sits

silver eyes hard. “Alright. I’ll amend that. You failed to tell me another Alpha

insist, “You’re my mate, I picked you. And telling you would only have made things between you and

can see him fighting for patience. “Selene, I know you were never taught about these things, but did you

why we’re

you are already spoken for. It protects you from unwanted advances from males and decides your status among the pack females.” He explains evenly, “To proposition any marked she wolf is a serious offense. It disrespects her choice and challenges her mate’s claim, but you’re not just any she wolf.” An edge of steel enters his deep voice. “You

clicks in my head, “So if he challenges your

truly fight – no Beta’ s or back up, no interfering little mates trying to be noble” he

would have

he wants to smile, “Maybe, but that’s not why you kept

I didn’t want any more violence.” I reason, “Is that

you.” Bastien lectures. It’s a very big deal, and it’s very important that you tell me if and when it happens. Not only because it’s an offense against me, but because it may very well mean you’re

“Okay.” I agree sheepishly.

“why don’t you tell me about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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