Pursuing Her

Pursuing Her Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Going Off The Deep End

Thinking that he might have dialed the wrong number, Tristan put his phone down and glanced at it.

It’s Sophie’s phone number all right. Then, who’s the man who answered the phone? Is it the man this morning? So, she’s been with him all this while?

Something astringent welled within him. Verily, he was very much unfamiliar with such emotion.

“Is Sophie there?” His voice was frightfully glacial as though dripping ice.

“I’m sorry, but she’s currently occupied. I’ll have her phone you back when she’s free.”

Bailey hung up right after saying that.

Sophie was totally focused as she conducted the experiment, so she didn’t bother asking who exactly phoned her.

Meanwhile, Tristan’s expression turned even darker.

“Are you okay, Mr. Tristan?” Felix inquired cautiously.

Why is he wearing such an expression? He has been on the brink of blowing his top the whole of today, and he’s even more terrifying now!

Again, Tristan phoned Sophie.

This time, it was Aaron who answered the call.

“You’re already told that she’s busy. Can’t you understand that?”

He loathed people calling when he was conducting experiments. This time, he turned the phone off right away.

Tristan was dumbstruck.

Noticing that the man was on the verge of going off the deep end, Felix didn’t even dare to breathe.

Tristan’s expression was really intriguing since that was the first time someone dared to speak to him in such a manner.

“Who was it, Mr. Tristan? I’ll go and end him!”

Felix was truly afraid, for it was petrifying when the man lost his temper.

“No, it’s okay.”

Tristan’s voice was close to subzero temperature. Felix cast a glance at Sean, who sat across from him.

On the contrary, Sean was calm and unruffled as though it had nothing to do with him. But then again, that made sense considering his occupation.

“You guys enjoy yourselves. I’m leaving first.” Getting to his feet, Tristan snagged his suit jacket from the couch and draped it over his wrist before leaving.

“Mr. Tristan…”

Felix wanted to persuade him to stay, but he had already left.

so affected because of anyone in the past. Say, does love really have so much power

lifted his

that Mr. Tristan has left, I’m leaving

“You’re leaving as well?”

been really difficult for the four

Tristan got into the car, the driver turned and queried,

question, for the murderous aura emanating off

this since he saw Ms. Tanner getting into the SWAT car this morning, and now, it’s

“Jipsdale Premier High.”

High, Tristan didn’t alight

again, but her phone was turned

Finding the atmosphere scary,

of the gates

dinner! There’s

before the physics competition. We really don’t need to be in such a

is a national competition, Bailey! If your performance in the physics competition this time is outstanding, you can go to Jipsdale University directly.

left. Mr. Elswick, I’ve still got something

out, she

a self-study session today anyway. What else do

Don’t worry. I

“Fine, then. Go, go!”

Sophie walked toward

go! I’ll bring you to dinner. Sophie has taken off, so you can’t

away, Bailey peered over his shoulder, curious to know

heading over, he swung open the car door


“Why are you here?”

particular reason. What were you busy with

just went

Tristan said nothing.

Mr. Tristan?” Sophie

“Nothing’s wrong.”


thought we could at least be honest with

planning to go originally?” he

Elswick wanted to take

refer to her and

you out to dinner

and instructed the driver to

stomachache, so she planned to go home to

was all too familiar with that car, for she recognized it as the car that often dropped Sophie

first time she

handsome and striking. In fact, if he were to join the entertainment industry, he would definitely

her phone. Alas, Tristan swung his

promptly stilled, not daring

Willow as well, upon which a smirk

rotten luck to always bump into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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