Pursuing Her

Pursuing Her Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Too Brutal

“No.” Tristan said nothing at all.

I’m no one to her, so what right do I have to ask so much of her? Whoever she wants to be with is definitely her freedom!

Truth be told, he actually understood all that. However, at the thought that Sophie might not belong to him, he would grow terribly frustrated, even if that possibility was negligible.

“Oh, okay.”

In the courtyard outside, a group of teenage girls was dancing in classical attire.

Every single move exuded grace.

They snagged Sophie’s attention, so she didn’t bother trying to speculate what exactly was wrong with Tristan.


At that, Tristan couldn’t help sighing.

There’s still a long way to go before I win her over. Never had I imagined that such a day would come for me!

When the dance ended, a young maiden in white and wearing a veil came out to play the harp.

Right then, Blossom came with a few other servers and served the food.

“Enjoy the food, Mr. Tristan, Ms. Tanner. Just call me if you need anything else.”


Tristan picked up the bottle of sherry on the table.

“This bottle is really unique!”

The bottle was similar to those in historical movies on television, but it was even more exquisite.


Tristan opened the bottle of sherry and poured some for Sophie as well.

“Try some. The most famous item here in Blossom Garden is its sherry.”

“Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Tristan? What do you want to do?”

Sophie arched an eyebrow, her eyes stunning beyond words.

“I want to do everything, but I can’t do anything.”

She was young, so he wouldn’t do anything to her no matter how fevered he was.

“I was just joking.”

Sophie liked that place a lot. She picked up the crystal glass and took a sip.

Sure enough, the taste was superb. It was incredibly mellow, a different taste compared to red wine.

In a single gulp, she downed the sherry in the crystal glass.

“Can I have more?”

Tristan poured

not appropriate for a girl to drink in front of men. You must learn to protect yourself. In

you in the future!” Sophie deliberately declared

mind though he was aware that she

food at Blossom

took some vegetables for

about me.” Actually, Sophie wasn’t all that hungry. But she really liked

will be willing to sell me



that he was the one who

that I’m pretty fond of the sherry here. Please have Ms. Blossom sell me a few

Tristan was

sell its sherry. Whoever wants to drink

if the president himself came, the same principle

it, huh?”

of her crestfallen expression,

anyway, so I


“What an alcoholic!”

to be so high that she seemed fine even after drinking

very strongly. Once, Felix got


over to the window to watch the performance

saw Juan with

time, it was only the

he recovers

went into the adjacent

“What’s wrong?”

I know. Wait for

I didn’t get to settle the score

his seat when Letitia

I could act in Mr. Quelch’s new movie? The filming is about to start. When are you going to make

hands weren’t idle either,

you serve me well, I’ll have you take the female lead

sick of her after fooling around

at Nocturnal, he

greeted by the sight of them


his head, he saw Sophie eyeing

of hers had Juan stiffening

sorry, Ms. Tanner. I didn’t know

was so stricken that his face had gone

her clothes when she saw Sophie

a moment, Mr. Quigley.” Sophie was


truly terrified, for her methods were too

well, Letitia got to her

a media student, right,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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