Chapter 379 He Is Responsible for Hundreds of Lives

Gloria only felt that this moment was like being in a dream_ She looked at Jordy with surprise. Although he usually looked indifferent and seemed distant when he came into contact with anyone now he took the initiative to maintain order and calm down the other passengers

 For a moment, she felt like Jordy was a warm-hearted person 

Jordy turned off the microphone. Then the captain looked at Jordy with gratitude and said, “Thank you so much, sir!” 

Although he was able to stabilize the passengers for the moment, he could not completely calm them down. Then the captain said in an anxious tone. 

“The plane is still flying, but we’re in a not very stable situation. I’m afraid the pilot can’t take it anymore.” This was his fifteenth year working on the plane. Although he was a very experienced pilot, he had not experienced anything like this. 

but I need someone to navigate me.” The captain and the flight attendants all looked at Jordy in amazement, and

he even know how

certified to fly, and there are few who can match his flying skills.”


the flight test? It seemed that she still knew too little about him, but that was normal because he had never given her the chance to get to

right now the situation.” People were in a state of panic. If one mistake was made in command, it would put

one dared to make a move. Seeing this scene, Gloria said in a calm

at Gloria again, and they stared at Gloria with a more and more amazed and frightened look in their eyes. However,

look flashed across his eyes but Jordy had trust in Harold. Then he immediately looked at the captain and said, “Please give the order. I’ll fly the plane.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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