Chapter 380 He Even Knows How to Fly a Plane

If anything went wrong this time, he would be an evil sinner who had abandoned the lives of hundreds of passengers Although it was not a big deal if he died, he could not let so many people lose their lives because of his mistakes. 

The captain’s arrival came as a surprise to the pilot Immediately after the captain looked at the pilot and said, “Jason, thank you for your hard work. Next, you will let Mr. Collins and Miss White fly and control the plane. Please let Mr. Collins sit on your seat. You must take control of the plane before you get up.” 

Jason’s eyes showed a stunning look. 

“Well… Is that okay?” Jason was surprisingly relieved when he heard that someone was going to take over flying the plane on his behalf. The captain nodded at Jason and said, “Yes! Come on.” 

and immediately looked at Jordy and said, “Mr.

was still shocked. Because he had seen Jordy and Gloria on the screen, he was extremely shocked at this point. Who would

the plane, Gloria also began to command. When they heard her words, the captain and Jason

the professional staff: The plane was still wobbly just now, but

to fly smoothly. Listening to

now, the plane was approaching Los Angeles. According to the previous schedule, they would arrive at the airport in another half hour. Those planes were still surrounding the plane. With Gloria’s command

feel uncomfortable. The besieged planes were left behind. At

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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