Chapter 926 Jonathan Insisted on Waiting for Her

They hoped that such famous people could appear together more often, so that they would have news to report.

It would be perfect if Jordy could be involved in this.

After they followed Jonathan to the White Group, they started to imagine what would happen and even write tomorrow’s reports

Gloria got out of the car after she got to the Collins Group, and Jonathan followed her out and smiled at her, “I’ll wait for you here.”

Gloria immediately said, “No, just go back.”

“Hmm?” Jonathan squinted, “You want Jordy to send you back?”

Gloria frowned, “No, I won’t take his car. Moreover, I don’t know when I can finish this. Go back.”

Jonathan smiled and fixed his charming eyes on her, “Do you think I will leave?”

Gloria frowned again, “Jonathan.

said his name slowly, but her intention was

a smile, “Come on, I’ll be waiting

Gloria was speechless.

her breath

her office. They kept her office here. Before the cooperation was completed, her office would be kept for


was in Jordy’s office again.

who called him here. He didn’t ask him to do anything, as if he just needed


Harold knew why…

what Mr. Collins thought was different from what he said!

wanted to know what Gloria was

arrived here, she would definitely call him and ask what the problem was, so that Mr. Collins could know Gloria had arrived


Collins always spoke contrary to his thought. Harold couldn’t judge him. After all, he was the

Harold took a look at Jordy

the problem with the project? Can you let someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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