After witnessing everything outside, relief swamped Trevor.

Clearly, his hypnosis was still working for his son-in-law remembered nothing.

Reassured, he came in and advised them. “Enough. Sebastian, stop blaming Sasha. It was Roxy’s fault. I shall discipline her for her reckless action later!”

Sebastian’s tensed expression relaxed a little.

Trevor went to Sasha and persuaded, “Sasha, don’t be mad. I promise this won’t happen again, alright?”

Instead of replying, Sasha merely wiped her tears away silently.


Mad? Do I have the right to get mad?

A few minutes later, everyone filed out of her room. Sasha’s mouth was hurting and her head was throbbing. She pulled up the covers and fell asleep bitterly.


It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.

When she woke up, the sky was dark. As her eyes fluttered open, she was surprised to see the glaring fluorescent lamp in her ward replaced by a crystal chandelier.


“You’re awake?” A low and seductive drawl reached her ears, soothing her raw nerves.

Sasha turned to look on reflex.

Indeed, a handsome man was seated at the desk next to the window on her right. Noticing her movement, he snapped his laptop shut and came to her.

expression turned icy. “Sebastian,

looked at her like she was a fool. “This is

to formulate

amiss and

to her and

still heaving

she finally caught her

What do you want from me?” she demanded, her

were draining her

with me in Moranta? Or the heartless man torturing me right now? Can

I’m protecting you because of them. Is there

bring me here? I want to go home. Send me home

Do you know where you are

who had a bowl of soup in his hand,

Sasha was briefly stunned.

Are we not in

in surprise at that thought and rushed

“Sebastian Hayes, you scum!”

Finally, she’s cursing me!

holding the bowl of soup elegantly. He took a spoon for her so she could drink it later and stirred

later, Sasha returned to her


get eaten by sharks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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