“Ms. Wand?”

Sasha jerked out of her musings at the impatience in Karl’s voice. “Huh?”

He tossed her a set of business attire and makeup. “Change into these and put on some makeup. Mr. Hayes is waiting for you in the next cabin. Make sure that you look professional,” he instructed curtly and turned to leave without waiting for a reply.

What’s his problem? Begrudgingly, Sasha went to change into the provided outfit and applied some makeup.

Ten minutes later, she walked into the cabin where Sebastian was waiting, looking perfectly like a white-collar executive.

She looks great in any outfit. The sight of her stole his breath away. With dainty makeup on, she appeared even prettier than before. The stylish blouse highlighted her petite and slender frame, while the pencil skirt hugged her sensual hips snugly, showing off a pair of fair and shapely legs.


Sasha’s lips thinned the moment she saw Sebastian. “What’s all this about?” She gestured at her outfit. “Why are you making me dress like this?”

The subject of her displeasure remained unfazed by her glower. “You said you wanted to help with the Wand family business. I’m taking you to a business summit today,” he said matter-of-factly before leaving without waiting to see if she would follow.


Business summit? His reply took her by surprise. So he’s not holding me captive. He brought me here to help me with my business?

A smile bloomed on her face at the thought. She grabbed a nearby notebook and hastened to catch up with Sebastian. “Wait up!”

inwardly as he

busiest part of the world’s most bustling city. She stared, slack-jawed, at the majestic skyscraper that was the iconic landmark of the city. “Isn’t this the Empire State Tower? This is

to carry out your duties

closed her jaw with an audible click. Whoa, a global summit? That’s huge. She fidgeted with her clothes and hair, feeling her hands turn clammy. Why didn’t Sebastian give me a heads


extended a hand enthusiastically. “It’s a pleasure to have

his hand.

anything, Sasha stayed silent, practically holding her breath all the way until she and Sebastian were in the elevator. With no others present, she finally allowed herself to breathe normally. “What

other tucked his hands into his pockets casually, appearing calm

teeth in exasperation. She was about to speak up when the elevator doors pinged open. A man

once. “Hayes,” he called, grinning widely. “Didn’t expect to bump into

no see.

the conversation, Sasha reluctantly shuffled aside, casting

lady returned the


for small talk, the woman asked pleasantly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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