Sasha did not have it in her to disobey. She muttered a quick apology to the other secretary and went to Sebastian’s side.

The two of them parted ways with their acquaintances. “Why did you stop me? Don’t you need some documents for the summit?” she asked uncomprehendingly.

Sebastian scoffed like she just asked something stupid but deigned to explain. “Use your brain for a second. If the documents are so important, the organizers would’ve emailed us in advance already.” He spared a glance at the girl beside him. “Which they have, by the way.”

Oh. Sasha clamped her mouth shut and meekly followed him into the conference hall.

The grandeur of the hall and its setup immediately awed her. Despite having a background in finance and experiencing her fair share of formal business events, the summit was certainly something else.

“Are you sure this is a summit for business leaders?” she muttered incredulously.


“What else would it be?”

She shrugged and found her seat behind Sebastian. “The way it’s arranged… It’s like a summit for the heads of governments.”


The latter’s eye twitched, but he said nothing.

started filing in. As Sasha took out her notebook, the man in

on what these few people are saying later on,” Sebastian told

“Why them?”

market has already reached saturation. The only way

stared at him, moved to the point of speechlessness.

experience and understanding of conducting an actual business. Though she wanted to rebuild the Wand family business, she had been undecided about the best approach to take beyond following

me here to this top-level summit to learn the strategic vision and business wisdom from

she pretended to scrutinize the programme booklet

a few minutes before the start

the moment she saw who it

gasp of surprise, Solomon cast a glance in her direction. Their eyes

hand, was dumbfounded. It was not until she felt the chilly aura emanating from the person in front of her that she jolted out of her stupor. In the next instant, her vision was obstructed by Sebastian, who had deliberately shifted

to appease the man. “Don’t be mad. I was

angry, judging by the cold shoulder

turn around, nor did he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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