“Good day, miss. Taken by this princess’ frock? It’s a custom design by our boss.”


“Of course. Our store carries many original designs. Please come in and have a look.”

A promoter in the children’s apparel store that Sasha had been ogling came out to entice a prospective customer.

The pastel-pink dress that Sasha had been eyeing was gorgeous, featuring a pair of butterfly wings. It would instantly transform any young girl into a fairy princess.

Sasha imagined how her daughter would look in the dress. Excitedly, she entered the store.


About ten minutes later, she came out with the dress and two sets of boys’ apparel in the latest fashion.

These are their birthday presents then!


In a significantly greater mood, Sasha began to feel her stomach rumbling with hunger. She decided to grab a bite at a restaurant.

“What? This Astorian dude is the man who rejected you? What’s up with his taste? How could he scoff at the Benson family’s heiress?”

“That’s enough. I just feel lucky that I never got involved with him.”

Sasha had picked a rather expensive restaurant. Once she sat down, she overheard two elegant and young foreign ladies gossiping to her right.

Instead, she looked through the menu and ordered immediately. “I’ll have these two, please.

Please wait a moment,

quickly with

if she had received any calls or

unlock her screen, the two ladies to her right launched into

totally right. You could’ve been in trouble by association after what went down today. Still, isn’t the Hayes Corporation pretty huge? They wouldn’t be at this global summit otherwise, right? They seem pretty careless about how

knows? Maybe they’re digging their own

evilly after the words left

fingers, on the other

mention of Hayes

turned her gaze to the two ladies and asked, “Excuse me, did you

turned to stare at her,

corporation’s CEO had an incident at the summit. Someone broke a scandal about him murdering his

say?” Dumbfounded, Sasha’s

The only people who know about his secret will bring it to their

was in complete


you don’t believe us. I’m sure the whole world knows

ladies began taunting Sasha for

shudder run through her

unlocked her phone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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