Oh, the scene… Sasha thought to herself, too horrified to revisit it in her memory.

It was too cruel for words. Despite being a doctor for so many years, the sight of blood splattered everywhere frightened her so much that she felt a wave of nausea just thinking of it.

Frederick, who arrived as soon as he heard the news promptly settled the matter.

Around the same time, Sebastian was locked up, losing his freedom, and branded as one of the most dangerous men in the country. After six years, his uncle had appeared and with much effort, persuaded Frederick to allow him to bring Sebastian abroad.

All of these were kept secret back then.

These secrets were well sealed. The medical staff who had handled Margaret’s body back then had been exterminated by Frederick to ensure their everlasting silence.


How was it possible for loose ends to still appear? Also, there was that broadcast of the incident from back then!

Sasha stood up without knowing what to do. Trembling from head to toe, she grasped clumsily at objects in her path to steady herself as she headed out.


She had made up her mind to see Sebastian.

Sasha was certain that he would undoubtedly have an adverse reaction when he finds out as this was his worst recurring nightmare and the darkest secret buried in his heart.

The exposure of his deeds would consume him like a rabid beast if she did not speak to him.

Finally deciding on a course of action, Sasha hailed a cab and made haste for Empire State Tower.

Things were chaotic at the Tower.

press conference at the summit. In less than half an hour, Empire

who had just committed a murder at the summit of

would be apprehended the minute he appeared. Even worse,

sign of movement from within. On the other hand, the crowd

calm down. I’m

gathered down below from his vantage point at the

distracted, his bloodshot eyes

of murder glinted malevolently in Sebastian’s eyes which grew more powerful with each passing minute until every bit of his rationality had been consumed in

losing faith in his ability to keep his

will you? Or… Think of Ms.

gave a start at the sound

Karl took advantage of his distraction as he attempted to

a second later. At the slightest hint of Karl’s fingers loosening, Sebastian’s grip tightened


He gasped, feeling as if he was about to black out from

on Sebastian. Barring his employer’s path

faculties from his earlier trauma,

he intends to kill


bast*rd. He has returned and wants to get rid of me to take back what he thinks

cruel indifference on his face. The only thing of interest to him was the gun in his

drop out of his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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