Yancy had defied him and delivered the child, causing his carefully laid out plan to fall apart. Hence, Federick was rather infuriated.

Frederick left. Not long after, Karl arrived.

“Mr. Hayes.”

“Where is she?” he demanded, the most pressing matter heavy on his mind.

Karl lowered his head slowly.

Sebastian felt something had ripped his chest open, leaving behind a massive hole where his heart used to be. He began coughing violently like he was exposed to a chilly gust of wind.


“Mr. Hayes, are you okay?” Karl asked urgently as Sebastian’s hacking coughs grew louder and more intense.

Bent double from pain, his veins throbbed in exertion as his handsome features were contorted in pain. Like a fish out of water, he gasped for air, being completely devoid of oxygen.


With a final cough, he spat blood and fell back onto the bed, and passed out.

Sebastian only recalled snatches of things when he was not himself. Once, he had remembered Roxanne performing hypnosis on him. He had hated it so much that he had an urge to drag her into the kitchen and savagely mutilate her with a knife.

The memory of him opening fire at the woman who burst into the room swam across his mind.

“No… no!” Sebastian moaned in his sleep. “Sasha, I didn’t mean to do that. I… “

“Sebastian, wake up!” Roxanne attempted to rouse him out of his nightmare.

wrist roughly, he cried, “It was my fault, Sasha.

that had fallen freely down

first time she had seen him cry after treating him for

him. He did not

he held on to Roxanne’s wrist and

pity. The sight

said gently. “I’m

“What did you say?”

if he was struck by lightning. Then, a darker, more

“When you were brought here, her body had been left behind. Karl had brought her back after you. He did not tell you because he


was interrupted by an abrupt slap across

he commanded, glaring at her with bloodshot

motionless for a long time, suppressing the urge to retaliate. Nobody had ever dared lay a finger on

not muster up the courage to hit him back, though the anger burned within her. Contenting herself with a fierce glare at Sebastian, she departed without

Sasha is dead!

Sebastian’s door remained closed. The man inside was detached from the world. Nobody was successful in trying to

order the door to be broken down in his panic when the triplets

try and

clothes that Mommy bought for us. Daddy would love it.” Vivian approached Frederick as she was clad in a pink skirt with

pieces at the sight

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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