Despite her efforts, not a sound emerged from beyond the door.

Tears streamed down her large unblinking eyes as Vivian felt demoralized.

“Daddy doesn’t want me anymore,” she sobbed. “Mommy isn’t here and Daddy doesn’t want us anymore. We are abandoned children to be sent to the orphanage.”

Matteo and Ian exchanged startled glances at the sound of their sister’s crying.

Thankfully, her cries had compelled Sebastian to open the door at last.

“Daddy!” chorused the children.


However, they were saddened to see that their father, who once stood tall and proud, had descended into a state of depression. He looked so forlorn and disheveled that he was almost unrecognizable.

“Daddy, don’t be like this. We still have to search for Mommy. Please, pull yourself together for her sake.’


Vivian was the most upset out of all three. At the pathetic sight of her father, she reached out and hugged his thigh tenderly as she gazed up at him with teary eyes.

Sebastian closed his eyes as he slowly knelt down next to her.

“Give Daddy a hug.”


Vivian’s smile returned. She stretched out her plump arms and threw herself into Sebastian’s embrace with her head buried in his chest.


into the room. Finally, Frederick and his men

still be alive. We will look for her and bring her

sure about that?” Sebastian dropped

many days since he had heard the possibility of Sasha still being

no matter what happens to her, she will never abandon us. Daddy, all three of us can feel her out there. She must

was just about to chastise his son for being naive when he had the sudden realization that his faith was so weak

I so quick to believe

mangled corpse

Sebastian finally saw

the window that had been

curtains apart. In a flash, the brilliant sunlight pierced his eyes, filling his beaten and aching body with

joy at having their father back. Pouncing

are going

intuition was correct. Sasha

her panic,

Nancy, here is your medicine for today. I must remind you to

a bottle cap before

Sasha ignored her.

she knew very well that her injuries did not warrant as many pills

she wheeled herself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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