
She’s not leaving?

Sasha was shocked to hear that.

What is this woman up to now? Why isn’t she leaving? Is she trying to be a permanent fixture here?

Sasha was losing her patience. “Sabrina, why aren’t you leaving? Are you worried that your brother and father are still mad at you? If that’s the case, don’t worry. I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“You’ll put in a good word for me? Who do you think you are? Sasha, don’t think so highly of yourself!” Sabrina rebuked heatedly.


It seemed that Sasha had struck a nerve.

All she could do was keep quiet and watch as Sabrina stomped out of the door.


The housemaid, who had been looking on by the side, sighed and said, “Madam, what should we do now? If Ms. Sabrina doesn’t leave, there’s no way we can get out of here.”

Sasha did not how to respond to that.

What can we do? We’ll just need to take things one step at a time. The best thing would be to get in touch with Sebastian as soon as possible.

Sasha heart ached at the thought of him.

In the meantime, Solomon was starting to have his doubts about Sabrina. More than ten days had gone by, and there was still no sight of Sebastian. Solomon wondered if Sabrina did indeed inform her brother.

“Mr. George, I doubt so. If she had, I’m sure Sebastian would be here by now.”

was the one who left her here back then. Sabrina was wreaking havoc in Avenport,

now certain that Sabrina did

it was time for him to make a

Sasha had just dialed Sebastian’s number using the


“Who’s that?”

ran downstairs the moment

the front yard holding his black umbrella. He looked up at the second-floor window and saw Sasha

get down here.

At that moment,

never go

getting through? Why is it when I

glanced at the phone screen before she threw the phone on the floor

with you, Solomon. Since I

she stood up

a look of horror settled

Listen to

he cast aside his umbrella

leaped off the window



motorcycle sped toward Sasha and stopped with

ground, a black figure caught her in time and

“Hold on! Don’t fall!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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