It turned out that all wireless signals had been blocked off in that area.

Once the signal had been blocked, it would be hard or even impossible to trace the person one was looking for.

Perhaps that was the reason why Solomon had chosen to lock Sasha up in this place.

It had not occurred to him that the blocked signals were the handiwork of Sabrina and not of natural causes.

All Sasha could do now was to wait for the speedboat to get out of the area.

Just as they got further away, Sasha noticed that the sky was getting darker.


“Sabrina, is it very late now?”

“What do you mean?” Sabrina turned around impatiently.


However, her expression changed upon looking at Sasha.

“I’m asking about the time. What time is it now? It’s starting to get dark so I assume it’s getting late?” asked Sasha.

As far as she could see, it was getting darker everywhere.

It must be late then.

What’s going to happen to us? Being out at sea in the middle of the night is not an ideal situation.

Sasha was very worried.

Just then, the speedboat stopped moving. She looked up and saw a figure coming toward her.


you all right?”

What’s wrong? Why did

and touched Sasha’s face. Blood was all over her hand

injured. You have blood all over

Sasha was startled.

anything at all. How can I

up and touched her face

something sticky on her

present moment, she

of her clothes and wiped her face. “I’m all right. It’s just a minor injury. Carry on driving. If you don’t, they’ll catch up

said nothing. She glanced at Sasha’s bloodied eyes

They quickly hid behind a reef peak and prepared

dark now. We need to ask your

out her phone and paused for


fog all around us, it isn’t getting dark. Sabrina could

She made the call.

Ring! Ring!

went through immediately and was answered after barely a

“Hello? Sabrina?”

upon hearing Sebastian’s familiar yet anxious voice,

up in the

hearing his

with Sasha? Where are

from Sabrina’s end, Sebastian started to get

sounded like he was aware

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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